Astro Articles
That’s a special section of our project designed for those who want more. Not simple daily readings, but special predictions about love, Tarot, Runes, personality, numerology, and more. Find your fave horoscopes here!
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What Everyone Gets Wrong About Your Sign
Eugenia SternEveryone thinks they’ve got your sign all figured out—but they couldn’t be more wrong! Whether people say you’re ‘too stubborn’ or ‘overly emotional,’ there’s a lot they’re missing. Let’s uncover what makes your sign truly unique and shatter the myths people just can’t seem to let go of. It’s time to get the real story on who you are!
Read the Full ArticleCareer Horoscopes
What can help you be promoted, get a higher salary, or even start your own successful business? We encourage you to ask the stars and follow their advice!
Zodiac Signs Ranked from Most Competitive to Super Chill
Dive into the world of zodiac signs and uncover how each one ranks in terms of competitiveness. From the determined go-getters to the relaxed peacemakers, find out where your sign stands...
Get a Full ReadingHealth
What’s your weakest point when it comes to health? What should you be especially attentive to? How to make your health stronger? Let stars give you the answer!
How Each Zodiac Sign Behaves When They're Sick
Explore the unique ways each zodiac sign deals with being sick. From the stoics to the complainers, see how the stars influence their sick day antics and discover tips to help them...
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Many different events occur in our life, from Astro-related ones like a summer solstice to global ones like holidays and other things. How do they all influence your sign? Check in this selection!
September Equinox
With the equinox to split the day in half, get ready to say goodbye to summer and find out what signs will gladly say hello to fall and what signs will experience negative effects produced...
Get a Full ReadingMoon
Every month, we see a New Moon, a Full Moon, and many other positions of our natural satellite. Explore all of them in our Moon-related articles now!
Full Moons of the Year: Names, Meanings, Energies
Learn about the history of tracking the seasons with the moon cycles and how you can implement these energies into your life!
Get a Full ReadingRunes
Runes, just like Tarot cards, can tell you a bit more than a simple horoscope prediction. Do you have any challenging questions? Ask Runes now!
The Best Type of Prediction for Your Zodiac Sign
Astrology and divination practices have intrigued humanity for centuries. Over time, various methods have been devised to foresee the future or gain insights into personal traits and...
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