Your runes this month are Tiwaz and Hagalaz.
Hagalaz: YourCareer, According to Runes

This rune stands fordestruction, but you shouldn’t be worried – its meaning ispositive in this context.
The powers of this rune are similar to the spikes of energy thathappen during floods and earthquakes. It sounds scary, but the rune’sgoal is to help you break the vicious circle. For example, it canhelp you get rid of self-pity.
We often spend too much time thinking about ourproblems without actually doing something to change our situation.We’re tooscared to act.You need to realize that you’re stuck in the vicious circle ofendless reflections and self-obsession.You probably can’t break it yourself, but the rune’s energieswill help you.
In the context of your career, this rune is speaking about changesthat are imminent. Soon something will happen and change your careerpath. Itsays that it’s time to stop being silent and passive in thecontext of your career; it urges you to face reality. Analyze yoursituation (but don’t waste too much time on self-reflection), tryto re-evaluate your past views and assumptions. Time to correct yourmistakes and break free from the limits.
Your current job doesn’t serve you any longer. To achieveprogress, you need to start anew. It may seem scary or unreasonable,but it’s important to be brave and fearless.
Hagalaz is here to resolve your situation and make it possible tobuild a new foundation.
Runic Job Advice
It’s important to catch your moment of luck in the chaos that isahead. Remember that even after the worst storms, the sun will shineagain.
Tiwaz: Health, According to Runes

This rune speaks about sacrifices. It urges you to call up all yourstrength. Tiwaz says that everything has its price, and you will haveto pay it.
Your currentsituation is crucial. The rune signifies a very active period oflife. Don’t let yourself procrastinate. Expect battles, emotionalstress, and important events. Tiwaz sets the task of shaping yourcharacter and your body. Workhard to make yourself stronger, both mentally and physically. Tiwazadvises you to look at your daily life: are you doing enough to stayhealthy? Is there something you need to change?
Tiwaz says that your character is currently in formation. Patienceis necessary; be firm and let your goal drive you.
This rune is associated with the Spirit Warrior who is true totheir principles even if it hurts them. This is not a rune ofprotection, though – Tiwaz tells you to fight and achieve yourgoals no matter what. The rune also says that no matter what is goingon, no matter how serious your health issue seems to be, you will winthis battle.
Hagalaz: Love, Family, According to Runes

According to runes, you’re going through a difficult time whenit comes to your love life.You’re afraid you won’t be able to reach happiness. You’re fullof doubts and uncertainties. Try to be patient and calm; don’t letyour emotions control your life or relationship. You waste too muchtime thinking about your problems without trying to do anything toresolve them. Now, it’s time to act.
If you’re stuck in a toxic relationship or justwant your relationship to change, draw this rune on a piece of paperand carry it in your purse or pocket. The energies of this rune willproduce the necessary explosion that will allow you to break thevicious circle of self-pity and indecisiveness.
Your current situation limits your freedom, but now, with the helpof this rune, you can destroy your cage. In extreme cases, yourrelationship can be destroyed as well. Something spontaneous hasentered your life (or will enter it soon), and you need to feel andunderstand it. Use these natural energies to change the course ofyour life and your relationship.
The rune speaks about sacrificing something familiar: yourbeliefs, views, friendships, and even romantic relationship. It isterrifying, but the consequences will be beneficial, so don’t bescared.
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