Love Horoscope

Are you and your partner destined to be together? Is it all in your stars, or do you have to put in extra effort to make your unit work? Take a look at your Zodiac Sign Love Compatibility and find out!

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Fiery Horoscope: 6 Zodiac Signs That Are Secretly Passionate

Surely, all signs can be passionate behind closed doors, but there are several Zodiacs that are secretly FIERY, according to astrologers. And you will never know because they are so good at hiding their true feelings. So, who are these signs? See below!


One of the most romantic Zodiac signs, Taurus, is passionate too, but their passion is a slow burn, which means that you need to be patient to let them reveal their true feelings. Their ruling planet is Earth, making them extra sensual and focused on physical touch. They value good food, good wine, and good company — they’re truly the hedonists of the Zodiac. They enter a relationship pretty slowly, but once it starts, they won’t let its special spark die.


Virgos are known for being loyal and practical, but they’re guaranteed to be passionate and sensual partners, too. And they’re selfless — when they’re in love, they’re focused on making their partner the happiest person in the world without expecting anything in return. They do a lot of things for their significant other but don’t like to draw attention to themselves. However, to stay in a relationship with a Virgo, you need to meet their standards, and they can be VERY high.


Libras are diplomatic, gracious, and yes, secretly passionate. They enjoy spoiling their partners by arranging romantic date nights, buying luxurious things for them, and lighting candles. After all, Libras are ruled by Venus, the planet of love, so it’s not surprising they’re actually experts in everything sensual. They love being in love, and they love loving their partners. Their connection with their partner is the most important thing for them.


The final fire sign of the Zodiac wheel, Sagittarius, is a wonderful blend of curiosity, intensity, practicality, and passion. They’re very open-minded when it comes to loving and dating, and they enjoy being with people who are not afraid to look at the world from different points of view. They’re direct about what they really want, so you don’t have to waste time trying to decipher their intentions. If they start planning a relationship with someone, they’re serious. They’re also very adventurous — in life and in love — and they want their partners to be adventurous, too.


Yes, Capricorns are the workaholics of the Zodiac, but they actually can be passionate — and not only about work. They can be super sensual when they’re with their partner, especially if this is the right person. They are usually EXTREMELY picky when it comes to choosing their partner, and once they find someone who suits them, they do their best to win that special person’s heart and make them feel like they’re the best human in the world. Caps can actually be experts in giving romantic gifts (expensive ones, of course), leaving little love notes in unexpected places, and impressing their significant other.


Get ready for the big surprise — Pisceans are actually one of the most passionate Zodiac signs. They deliver more heat than Aries and Leo combined, and dating these signs sometimes feels like dating a living volcano. Pisceans are non-judgmental and don’t mind trying something new in bed, they are very giving towards their partner, and even though they may seem shy at first, they often have WILD fantasies. Their dreaminess may be a bit frustrating in real life, but it makes them great romantic partners. They also have high emotional intelligence and are always ready to give their partner a lot of attention.

What-to-do-to-succeed Shamanic Reading

In this straightforward reading, you pick 3 cards. The first card speaks about your past, the second one focuses on your present, and the third one tells you what to do to succeed.