How do gems influence your zodiac?
Each gem has its energy field. It can be compatible or incompatible with the human energy field. It is essential to pay attention to the interaction of a gem with a person to determine whether they suit each other in terms of energy. To buy jewels, you should check what gems suit you. Otherwise, they may bring you bad luck or even cause trouble. Therefore, when choosing a stone for yourself or a loved one, it is essential to avoid making a mistake. There is jewelry with gems that aren't recommended to be presented or worn because they are dangerous. Some minerals affect a person in such a way that they enhance negative character traits. Thus, aggressive people can become more irritable, indecisive people will gain a lot of doubts, and lazy people will become even more lethargic. Therefore, it is worth studying the comparability of a gemstone with the person's temperament and date of birth before purchasing any gemstone for yourself or as a gift to loved ones.
Just like gems, you have your own energy, too. Explore the energies of your past and your present here.

General rules for gems
Firstly, you shouldn't wear any precious stones with defects, such as cracks, chips, stains, etc. Throw them away even if they suit you and suit you according to your zodiac. Such jewels have negative energy and can bring misfortune.
There is also jewelry, buying which you should focus on your character and temperament. Here are a few such examples:
· A girl of superior intelligence shouldn't wear jewelry with emeralds. The emerald brings only misfortune to smart and educated women.
· At a wedding, you shouldn't present or wear jewelry with blue topazes as it symbolizes loneliness and depression. Also, giving somebody jewelry with alexandrite is wrong because the glory of the "widow" is firmly entrenched behind it.
· Some gemstones symbolize unhappy love or negatively affect the human reproductive system. For example, hyacinth has powerful magical properties, so it should not be worn by a girl happy in love. It can destroy her happiness.
· Opal is a complex gem. It can cause hatred for the person who presented it. You can buy it only for yourself and with your own money.
· Coral also requires caution when given as a gift. It shouldn't be presented to a capricious young girl. Otherwise, her character will become even more unbearable because coral repeatedly enhances the egocentricity of the owner.
You need a deep understanding of yourself to choose the right gem. Analyze your personality here!

The list of gems your zodiac should avoid
Your zodiac sign also strongly influences your compatibility with the precious mineral. You can check the list of gems that bring troubles and sorrows to a particular zodiac sign below:
Aries — opal, chrysolite and lapis lazuli.
Taurus — tiger's eye, garnet, aquamarine, and topaz.
Gemini — emerald, turquoise, amethyst, chrysolite, and quartz.
Cancer— tiger's eye, malachite, and tourmaline.
Leo — turquoise, lapis lazuli and jade.
Virgo — pearls, sapphire, opal, and amethyst.
Libra — agate, ruby, turquoise, carnelian, and aquamarine.
Scorpio — emerald, quartz, agate, sapphire, and onyx.
Sagittarius — agate, citrine, pearl, tiger's eye, alexandrite, carnelian.
Capricorn — opal, pearl, aquamarine, aventurine.
Aquarius — amber, carnelian, onyx, topaz.
Pieces— agate, onyx, garnet, and jade.

Numerology can help you choose the right gems
Numerology helps us avoid mistakes when choosing a gemstone as a gift. According to the date of birth, you need to find a digit by adding them one up to one. For example, the date of birth is 26.11.1994; the sum will look like 2+6+1+1+1+9+9+4 = 33 = 3+3 = 6. Each integer corresponds to the minerals that should be avoided. This way, you can compare the final number with the information below and understand which jewelry you shouldn't purchase.
1 - Diamond blue sapphire
2 - Yellow and blue sapphire, red coral, Hessonite
3 - Pearl, diamond, blue sapphire, Hessonite
4 - Blue sapphire, cat's eye
5 - Yellow sapphire, red coral
6 - Ruby, yellow sapphire
7 - Yellow sapphire, red coral, Hessonite
8 - Ruby, Pearl, yellow sapphire, red coral, Hessonite
9 - Diamond, Blue Sapphire, Hessonite, cat's eye

What if you found a "dangerous" talisman in your collection or were recently presented with an unfortunate gem? Or you picked a gem that doesn't suit you according to astrology and numerology. The main thing is to check your attitude toward the stone and feelings when interacting with this decoration or talisman.
Listen to yourself — what emotions does this gem cause in you? We are all different, and no horoscope will be able to determine which gem is suitable for you and which is not. The minerals aren't the same and may differ in energy, regardless of their belonging to a particular group. So, in any case, the choice should come from the heart.
Here are some tips to help you in choosing the right gemstone. Firstly, when choosing jewelry, you should pay attention to the one that attracts your attention. Do you want to take a closer look at it and hold it in your hands? When in direct contact with a gemstone, you need to listen to the sensations, perhaps even close your eyes and focus on what you feel while holding a gem in your hands. If emotions are only positive, and you don't want to let the stone out of your hands, then you've picked the right gem.
Also, carefully read the information on the jewelry tag so as not to encounter a fake or synthetic mineral.
Now you know which gems can bring you bad luck and troubles, which stones are suitable for your zodiac sign, and how to choose the proper mineral. So you can buy jewels for yourself or your close ones without fear that they won't suit.
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