Yourrunes this month are Mannaz and Laguz.
Mannaz: Job, Society, People
This powerful rune symbolizes people– it stands for the human in the social sense. That’s why therune is associated with socialization (after all, humans are socialanimals). It says that you’re a part of society.
Watch the June reading performed online by our rune reader and get valuable guidance:
Now, the focus is not on human personality buton social acceptability. The shift changesthe value of personality. It is defined by how successfully youcan interact with other people. The rune is speaking about yourrelationship with other people; itsymbolizes society,its expectations,and what it wantsto achieve.

Your Career, According to Mannaz
It is the rune of work and social relationships. It also speaksabout public recognition (for example, your career).
Mannaz, the rune of humanity, independence, anda rational mind, says that the situationyou’re now in urges you to be humble andmodest in everything you do. Now, youshouldn’t focus on your personality. Tobe productive, you need clarity and focus. Remain modest regardlessof your achievements. Another runic advice is to approach youreveryday life from a completely new angle. Avoid excesses and begrateful for what you have.
You’re a part of society – thosearound you perceive you as a cog of a huge mechanism. Allyour personality traits are seen in terms of social values.
What to do
Analyze your life and yourself. Strive fortransformation and bettering your personality. There’sno need to hurry. Be thoughtful, humble,and you will be rewarded.
Learn more about your current situation here.
Laguz: Strength,knowledge, flow

Laguz is a symbol of a self-confident woman whoknows what she wants to achieve. It’s a female rune but it hasnothing to do with fertility. The rune is also associated with waterbut it is not adark depthrelated to the unconscious. It'smore like a flow of life.
Your health, according to Laguz
This rune is a powerful force that carries andsupports you. You need to be in harmony with it to make your life alot easier. Imagine yourself traveling by river: this is much easierthan traveling by land. Laguz says that you can move without anyeffort.
Trust the flow of life and listen to your bodyand feelings. Allow things to beas they are; let yourself be a part of the vast flow of life and begrateful for every day.
What will happen in your next life? Explore your karmic future life here.

Don’t expect any major health issues thismonth because you’re protected by high energies. Positive vibeswill absorb you like ocean waves but it’s important to make surethat your mind is stable and easily navigated. Set yourself up forthe signals yourbody and mind are sending to you.
What to do
Trust yourself and your intuition. Be gratefulfor what you have.
Explore your present and your future with this spread.
Your love life and family, according to Laguz
A river is carrying you. Feel how safe and relaxed you are now.Try to forget about long-lasting plans. Now is the best time to trustthe flow. Don’t doubt yourself: you’re beautiful, talented, andstrong.
Your feelings aretalking to you right now: listen closely to what they have to sayabout your relationship. If you can trust yourself, you will enjoy aperiod of love and renewal, no matter what is happening in yourrelationship right now. Your ship will find its way in the ocean ofproblems.

Intuition is also connected to water as a flow. Water uses anychance to move forward; just like it, intuition helps you reach your relationship goals.
Laguz is a very powerful rune but it is not aggressive. River flowcan be dangerous but when a river corridor changes, the character ofthe flow changes as well. The rune asks you to learn to adapt to anycircumstances without changing yourself too much.
What to do
Listen to yourfeelings. Don’t doubt yourself.
There may be someone in your life who helps you. Learn more here.
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