Here's your Thanksgiving horoscope!
March21 - April 19
Goodnews, Aries: this Thanksgiving, you will feel a bit lesshotheaded (but just a bit) and a tad more composed about handlingconflicts. This will happen because the sun is moving into the houseof philosophy and truth – a house that is ruled by fire. That’sright: the sun in a fire house will somehow make you a bit calmer! (But if you still need help dealing with your stress, check out these stress-relief tips for your sign.)
Youmay have slightly more argumentative tendencies, though – this willhappen due to the moon entering your house of communication. Makesure to be mindful of your emotions: some meditation may come inhandy. The moon won’t be able to ruin your peace of mind but somecases of annoyance are possible.
April20 - May 20

Themoon in Gemini will enter one of your most important houses: thehouse of material possessions. Be ready for some really wildshopping, Taurean! After all, holidays are the perfect time toacquire more or give away belongings. If you were thinking aboutbuying those ridiculously expensive shoes, this is the right time todo it. (But if you're not sure you can afford them, try this abundance-attracting Tarot reading.)
Thesun will enter your house of transformation and psychic change,making you feel a tad uncomfortable because it is opposed to yournatural ruling house. During this time, you might find yourself withmore possessive tendencies. Be ready to see yourselfuncharacteristically annoyed: take several deep breaths and startsome healing shopping.
May21 - June 20
OnBlack Friday, the full moon will be at its height, making you feelsmarter than usual. You will find yourself wanting to use your brainto think critically and analyze – this means you will feel an extraability to use your wits to benefit your community. Some brilliantideas may pay you a visit.
Thefull moon in Gemini will also make you brutally honest – and theseholidays are not exactly the right time for brutal honesty. Becareful to mind the impact of your words during this special time,especially if you get into an argument with your loved ones. Noteveryone is ready for your harsh truths!
June21 - July 22
Youwill feel more thoughtful about your wellness and needs thisThanksgiving due to the sun entering your sixth house of health.Focus on taking good care of yourself: do some yoga stretching, goshopping, go for a long pleasant walk… But make sure to say no tohealthy meals! It’s Thanksgiving, after all. Here are some delicious foods for your Zodiac sign.
Beprepared for some minor turmoils in the sphere of your psyche becausethe moon will enter your house of the subconscious. Some mentaltraumas that need healing may remind you about themselves, so makesure to pay enough attention to them. Feeling safe will be especiallyimportant during this Thanksgiving.
July23 - August 22

Thesun will be in your 5th ruling house of pleasure, urging everyone tocrave a piece of your attention this Thanksgiving – you will bejust irresistibly charming and shiny. It can even get a bit annoying,especially if you’re one of those rare introverted Leo natives whooccasionally need a bit of loneliness to recharge their batteries.
Butdon’t be upset or annoyed that everyone is seeking your advice orthinking that you are the king/queen of the party this week, becauseyou deserve to be a star this Thanksgiving, after all. The sun alsourges you to take on a new challenge that indulges the senses: so, howabout karaoke or rock climbing?
August23 - September 22
Virgonative, admit it: you’ve been working a bit too hard lately. It’sabout time that your natal sun changes its energy as it enters yourhouse of comfort and home. Make sure to spend more time with yourloved ones. Try being less independent than you usually are. Youdeserve some comfort food and bonding with your family thisThanksgiving!
Atthe same time, your moon will see some movements in its tenth house,making you a bit luckier in the sphere of your career. (No, seriously, just check out this career reading if you want to learn more. You'll be impressed.) Be prepared toget an unexpected opportunity at work or to come up with a brilliantidea on how to develop your projects. You should be aware that youare valued both at home and in your workplace.
September23 - October 23
Libranative, be ready for some sun movements in your house ofcommunication: you may find yourself talking more than you usuallydo. You may also feel more open and sincere about the things youdon’t usually talk about. The support of your loved ones will beespecially important to you this Thanksgiving.
Librasmay find themselves wanting to get their family and loved ones into aphilosophizing mood: you will unite everyone at the table by talkingabout your beliefs and views. It’s a good thing for such atalkative creature like you (you’re especially talkative due to theinfluence of the sun), so embrace it!
October24 - November 22

You’renot a naturally materialistic creature, Scorpio native, and shoppingdoesn’t mean a lot to most Scorpios, but this holiday season willmake you more shopaholic than usual. Buying something nice andexpensive for yourself or your loved ones can inspire you and giveyour creativity a boost.
Yourmoon will change its energy and influence your eighth house, makingyou more energetic. But the placement of the sun and its erraticvibes may mess with your head and your ability to feel as deeply asyou usually tend to do. But this Thanksgiving, your ‘task’ is torelax: sometimes diving deep into the psyche is not necessary.
November23 - December 21
Sagittarian,your first house will be full of energy this Thanksgiving due to thesun being in your natal sign, making you feel more confident aboutyour looks and your skills. You’re going to be the leader duringthis holiday season both at home and in your workplace. Convincingothers will be an easier task for you.
Thepowerful moon will enter your house of partnership, urging you to paymore attention to love. So, why not start the hunt for some romance?This holiday season is good for hunting and luck is totally on yourside. The planets send you a unique opportunity to shine, so go forit and be a star!
December22 - January 19
Capricornnative, you’ve got some clearings to do – you can be sure thatdoing it will be easy for you due to the sun entering your house ofthe subconscious. The full moon will affect your house of health andwellness, making you more energetic than usual and also boosting yournatural ability to analyze.
Relaxationand self-care are very important to your sign this Thanksgiving, somake sure to order or cook some comfort food or just go shopping andbuy something nice for yourself. Forget about work during this holidayseason and focus on caring about yourself, Capricorn, because youdeserve it!
January20 - February 19

Thesun will affect your eleventh house of friendship this Thanksgiving,urging you to spend more time with your friends and showing yoursupport and care to them. This holiday season is probably the besttime for you to show your dear ones that you love them: how aboutsurprising them with your cooking skills?
Anotherpositive thing to expect this Thanksgiving is a spark of creativity:the sun will urge you to be more innovative than you usually are. So,how about doing something completely new for you? Try knitting,sewing, singing, or even composing some beautiful music pieces –anything creative will do!
February20 - March 20
Piscean,you will want to spend more time with your family during this holidayseason due to the influence of the moon which affects your fourth houseof home. You are a naturally independent soul but this Thanksgiving,it is VERY important for you to rely on your family’s support andfeel their love.
Thesun will enter your tenth house of career, urging you to be focusedon your career sphere. Coming up with some creative ideas andsolutions is possible. Research some job options that are open to you– you may find something pleasantly surprising. Analyze yourcurrent career situation or just spend some time polishing your skillset.
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