How to become friends with zodiac signs?
March21 - April 19

When dealing with Aries people, you have to be ready for his orher unexpected tactlessness and even bullying, according to Ariesfriendship horoscope. Prepare a shield against all these sharp barbsand try not to be a whiner or a clunker, as it will only make yourAries potential friend angry. The thing is, the best idea is tobehave in the way they do.
To earn Arian's friendship and respect, show this person yourstuff. Prove that you deserve to be a member of his or her companyeven if you have to pretend that you’re a bit stronger than youreally are. If it’s too difficult for you, then pause to think abit – is friendship with Aries something you really want?
April20 - May 20
What Taureans appreciate most is honesty andintegrity. Sometimes it’s pretty hard to win the trust of thesepeople, so don’t forget that consistency is the key to success.Start with proving to them that you mean what you say and make sureyour actions support your words all the time. Be sincere and open –this is your path to success, according toyour zodiac friendship compatibility horoscope.
Be careful if you’re planning to deceive a Taurus person – or,even better, don’t do it at all. Taurus representatives see ifsomebody is lying to them and will detect lies immediately. It meansthat if you’re going to make friends with the people of this signand offer your help, don’t count upon a sudden supporter who’lldo it instead of you.
May21 - June 20

Gemini people are all about mystery, so if you want to make zodiacfriends with them try to be more spontaneous and don’t be dull inyour behavior and your conversations. Lack of imagination may scarethem away, so when talking to them share one of your secrets with himor her – but not a too personal one.
Besides, Gemini natives love those who like to learn, so try toraise your IQ by reading more and getting more useful informationfrom other sources. Nothing is more appreciated by a Geminirepresentative than communicating to somebody who is just as smart ashe or she is (or even smarter). Study more to impress your potentialGemini friend!
June21 - July 22
Cancerians appreciate trust more than anything else; that’s whythose who’re willing to befriend Cancer should be completely openand fair to them. Besides, people of this sign place a high value onloyalty, so get ready to be judged by your attitude to other peopleincluding your existing friends.
Show the Cancer rep you want to make friends with that family isimportant to you, too, as those born under the sign put their familymembers and relationship inside this small community ahead of otherthings. If you’re eager to impress your Cancer acquaintance don’tbe afraid of demonstrating warm feelings to your close ones.
July23 - August 22

The king of the zodiac loves to stay in the center of everybody’sattention and needs to be praised as often as possible. According toyour friendship compatibility, if you want to befriend a person ofthe sign, you will have to stroke their ego on a regular basisnoticing every single change in their hairstyle or clothes.Inattention to detail is self-defeating for those who want to becomecloser to Leo!
These things work in both directions, though. Lions hate sloppymanners so you need to be presentable. Another important factor isgenerosity that Leo people demonstrate whenever possible. They don’tlike tightwads and will soon unfriend you if you frequently forgetyour wallet at home or refuse to tip.
August23 - September 22
Virgo natives are obsessed with a healthy lifestyle, which meansthose who want to impress them must follow the same route. If yourwish is to befriend a Virgo rep, start with such seemingly easythings as sticking to a healthier diet, getting a makeover, or makingworkouts your regular habit.
Besides, Virgo people are all about competitions that’s whyplaying Scrabble or joining them in a game of tennis will surely helpyou win their trust and respect. Don’t forget that indulgence infood won’t help you get closer to your potential Virgo friend, too,as these people consider excess totally distasteful.
September23 - October 23

The friendliest of all signs, Libra natives want to be surroundedby the people of the same light attitude to life. To make friendswith them, show them you’re open in your feelings and emotions.Sing and dance together or even flirt with them and tell jokes –these people will appreciate such types of behavior!
Libra representatives like those of high emotional intelligenceand it means that you shouldn’t build brick walls between yourselfand these people. Instead, try to behave as friendly as possible ifyou want a Libra person to feel comfortable and consider you his orher friend. Your friendship horoscope says that openness is the keyto success.
October24 - November 22
Despite the well-known Scorpio image, this sign appreciatesinnocence and naivety. Scorpios love it immensely if you play therole of their victim as in this case they can shock you and corruptyou bringing you to their dark side. Become one of Scorpio’s musesfirst before becoming one of their friends!
During the second part of your “becoming closer” process,Scorpios start acting as mentors and attract you to be a part oftheir company that is not actually so friendly. In fact, being aScorpio’s friend may be easier than you used to think. However, askyourself first – do you really want it?
November23 - December 21

According to thefriendship horoscope, Sagittarius is themost easygoing zodiac sign, which means they hate geeks andnuisances. If such a person sees you’re constantly stressed anddepressed he or she will hardly be eager to have anything to do withyou preferring to spend time with more carefree friends. So beforebefriending a Sagittarian first ask yourself if such a friend will beyour soulmate.
Camping weekends can become a good idea for those who want tobefriend a Sagittarius native. Don’t be afraid of smallinconveniences and lack of comfortable apartments – wild naturewill perfectly compensate for it and your potential Sagittariusfriend will be happy to see how active and loyal you can be!
December22 - January 19
Capricorns are quiet and often humble people who hate boastfulnessmore than anything else. They like to work, do it quietly andeffectively, and want their friends to behave in a similar way. Ifyou want a Capricorn to become one of your friends, offer your helpand prove you can cope with the given job effectively.
If a Capricorn person sees that your actions speak louder thanyour words, he or she will only be glad to offer friendship to you.On the contrary, if those born under the sign realize that you speakmore than you actually do they will hardly decide you deserve theirtrust, their loyalty, and their support.
January20 - February 19

When dealing with Aquarius people, the mostvaluable piece of advice is to be friendly but not pushy oraggressive. Their intuition helps them see if the friendship betweenthem and other people is possible or not. Besides, they know exactlywhat they can orcan’t bear, so make sure you comply with all these rules.
Aquarians will give you a sign when they see they can treat you asa friend. An Aquarius person can help you clean your apartment,babysit your dog, or accompany you to the doctor. These signs aresimple yet doubtless and will show you if you’re on the right trackto becoming a little bit closer to the person you’re eager to makefriends with.
February20 - March 20
Pisceans are very vulnerable people who often live in their ownromantic world and need somebody to support and protect them.However, it may be extremely hard for them to befriend new people asthey don’t know how to actually be friends. If you still want tomake friends with some of Pisces natives, you’ll have to learn toforgive and be tolerant of their mistakes.
Pisces representatives may be extremely stubborn in their attemptsto sabotage your friendship. You will have to stay persistent and actslowly but steadily if you want to see these seemingly unamiablepeople becoming more and more open with you. Pisces reps can becomeone of the best friends you’ve ever had!
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