/AL-geese/ Old Norse: Elgr – moose Old English: Eolhs – no exact translation Gothic: Algs (Algis) – reed

ALGIZ is the rune of protection. Generally speaking, there are several runes in the Futhark that have a protective function. But, of course, each of these runes carries an exceptional meaning, its own distinct taste. ALGIZ is a passive protection rune, but it is also quite efficient.

ALGIZ is not THURISAZ that will do anything for the sake of higher goals, ensuring its victory by violating all possible social norms. ALGIZ is not TIWAZ that is ready to sacrifice itself to protect what it considers necessary to protect. ALGIZ is not as sensitive as BERKAN whose protection is kind, soft, and attentive.

This rune's protection is somewhat mechanical. It can be compared to an airbag in a car. On impact, it will work and save your life, but it won't sacrifice itself to protect you. It's just the natural order of things – under certain conditions, it acts in a certain way. And the result of this action – saving your life – is just a side effect.

ALGIZ is impersonal, which, however, does not prevent it from being very effective. There is nothing personal here – it just works like that.

But keep in mind that this is not a cure-all. An airbag will not save you from cold, hunger, or heartbreak, so don't ask the impossible from ALGIZ.


ALGIZ doesn't care what we think about it – it just works. The airbag in your car will work regardless of what you think about it. If you need protection, you use ALGIZ. Getting this rune in your reading means that its protection is present in your life; it's powerful, effective, and works precisely when you need it. 

ALGIZ is the rune of creativity, spirituality, and good luck. It provides protection and tells you that some new positive energies and opportunities are entering your life. At the moment, you are protected from any trouble. Your intuition will help you avoid evil. Perhaps, new opportunities will appear soon; you will get a chance to change some aspects of your life. The situation in which you find yourself now is a turning point.

Emotional control is essential. In times of change, it is crucial not to succumb to emotions – it doesn't matter if they're pleasant or unpleasant. This rune is characterized by new opportunities and challenges. Still, you should understand that they are accompanied by abuse and adverse effects. This rune serves as a mirror for the Warrior of Spirit, who is fighting with himself. The Warrior's defenses are like the curved horns of a moose – they help scare away the enemies. Remember that timely action and correct behavior are the only things that provide dependable protection.

Runic Advice

Your life is changing dramatically; caution is required. It is important not to succumb to feelings and make decisions in time.

If a person you know is behaving in the way described below, pay close attention to this part of the reading:

This person is in the process of spiritual growth and self-realization. They are sensitive and intuitive.

Tip: Do not lie, do not hide, do not play, because they will immediately feel everything. Guide them, help them, give them opportunities.


It may seem that the gods forgot about you. If you don't want to become a scapegoat, stop doing what you're doing. Your issue doesn't have a solution; forget about it and focus on some other things. What you are striving for at the moment can hardly be achieved right now. Getting this rune in your reading is a warning that now it is vital to control your feelings. Thoughtful actions are the only thing that can defend you at the moment.

Sometimes the rune indicates that you will meet a person with whom you should not communicate. In a new love relationship, the rune tells you to wait until the partner's motives are known. In the business sphere, the rune indicates a possible deception or betrayal.

Be attentive to your health. Carefully monitor the connections that you develop. If you have to communicate with people who 'use' you, be careful and don't trust them.

Runic Advice

Be careful and observe what is happening in the world and within yourself – flexibility is required everywhere. Step back. Try to adapt to the current events and don't make any risky decisions.

If a person you know is behaving in the way described below, pay close attention to this part of the reading:

Something or someone else is forcing this person to make decisions – and this person may not even realize it.

Tip: Help them understand that they have a right to make their own decisions without being forced by others. Explain that they're allowed to have their personal opinion.

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