/GEH-bow/ Old Norse: no direct equivalent Old English: Geofu – gift Gothic: Giba – gift
As the etymology of the word indicates, GEBO means gift. At the same time, GEBO is considered to be the rune of partnership, union, and relations in general – it means that friendship and relationships are an objective value. The rune's concept is based on something valuable, but it has nothing to do with buying or selling.
Since GEBO is a partnership rune, it is associated with love magic; but GEBO is more about partnership than love. It is no coincidence that the rune is symmetrical. As above, so below. What you give is given to you. This situation is not very similar to romantic relationships as we know them. Usually, love is understood as a feeling that seeks to either give or possess. In any case, we are not talking about balance. Love is generally chaotic.
We can say that GEBO greatly exacerbates the give-and-take balance in a relationship. For romantic unions under the GEBO rune to be harmonious, this balance must be strictly observed. Any bias in one direction should be avoided because it can corrode the relationship.
The direct position of the rune is the same as the reverse position
The keyword here is "partnership." The rune indicates collaboration in any form. If you are striving to complete a project successfully, you should understand that success here is associated with joint efforts.
Advice: strive for unification but remember that freedom is essential as well.
GEBO indicates the process of creation in all forms. It may also show the possibility of a fruitful union, be it in creativity or in love. If you are analyzing your personal situation, you're probably dealing with love. Someone will strive for an alliance with you. GEBO is the rune of self-expression of each partner. The rune indicates the possibility of a sincere and fruitful relationship.
If you get this rune in your runic reading, unity, association, or participation – in some form – is very close. Look for allies and start working with them in one team. The rune is all about unions and success achieved through joint efforts.
Runic Advice
You are on the right track. Work, create, and you'll achieve your goal.
If a person you know is behaving in the way described below, pay close attention to this part of the reading:
They are ready for partnership and are looking for it. It's difficult for them to be self-sufficient at the moment; they look for support in those around them.
Try to determine what you need and what they need. Come to an agreement. Make sure you both understand each other.
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