Monthly Horoscopes

Articles by the Monthly Horoscopes

Monthly readings are traditionally found among our most popular horoscopes. In simple words, they tell you about what’s coming soon and what you should be aware of. Find all our monthly predictions here!

Your Astro Digest for January

Alice Anderson

January Tarot

Eugenia Stern

Rune Stone Reading for January

Eugenia Stern

Perfect Christmas Gift Ideas Based On Astrology

Alice Anderson

Sun in Capricorn

Nataly Porter

Your Astro Digest for December

Alice Anderson

Rune Stone Reading for December

Eugenia Stern

Sun in Sagittarius

Tassie Zingaro

Your Astro Digest for November

Alice Anderson

Rune Stone Reading for November

Eugenia Stern

Sun in Scorpio

Tassie Zingaro

Your Astro Digest for October

Eugenia Stern

Rune Stone Reading for October

Eugenia Stern

Rune Stone Reading For September

Eugenia Stern

Sun in Virgo

Tassie Zingaro

Your Astro Digest for August

Eugenia Stern
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