Your Astro Digest for November

Let's see which readings you may have missed in October!

By Alice Anderson

Published: Nov 03, 2021

Hi guys!

It’s Alice Anderson, the editor-in-chief of EverydayHoroscopes, with her auspicious November predictions and inspiring October reminders! Make sure you haven’t missed any of our horoscopes and check what you shouldn’t miss this month!

As usual, we’re starting with the previous month - check which predictions are still timely:

  • New Moon comes every 28 to 30 days, so the tips we sent you last month remain relevant every month. See what you should (or shouldn’t) do during a New Moon period to remain healthy and successful.
  • Vissudha, Svadhisthana, Anahata - what are these strange words about? These are our power chakras. Knowing the chakra of your sign will let you use your energy wisely and concentrate on the most important things. Hurry up to check!
  • Some people form strong couples, and we think that’s normal when it comes to Taurus and Cancer, Gemini and Aquarius, Aries and Sagittarius. However, there are some really strange zodiac couples that still wok! Check them here.
  • Have you ever wondered what your biggest achievement is? What can you be TRULY proud of? What will you tell your grandchildren about? We’ve prepared a list of the greatest achievements of each zodiac sign - check yours now!
  • During the major part of November, the Sun remains in Scorpio, one of the most furious and unpredictable zodiac reps. What should you expect - will your life become vehement, too? Check here!
  • If you’ve missed your Runic prediction for November, it’s high time you looked through it right now! Which runes govern the month, which problems will they cause, and how can your sign avoid them? Read here!
  • Happy spooky Halloween! Yes, we know the holiday is over now. But why not check how your sign should spend it next year? Find all the details here.
November girl
Image source:

Now, it’s time to move on to November. What horoscopes have we prepared?

  • As usual, you’ll receive your November horoscope at the very beginning of the month. Make sure your plans are executable, and your dreams can come true soon!
  • Looking for the love of your life? You can rely on your zodiac preferences! Check your reading in November to learn where YOU can find love.
  • Have you ever heard about 12 Houses of the Zodiac? If you haven’t, you can explore the topic soon and learn in what way they affect you and your sign.
  • What if, one day, you committed a crime? What type of crime could it be, what could lead you to it, and what can you do NOT to break the law? Wait for your Crime horoscope to see!
  • The number of Lunar eclipses varies from year to year. In some years, there are none of them, while in some others, there can be two or even three. What do these celestial events promise to you? You’ll learn it if you open your Lunar eclipse horoscope in November.
  • At the end of November, the Sun will enter Sagittarius - one of the most freedom-loving, honest, and smart zodiac signs. What does it promise to your sign? Check it in November.
  • We can’t pretend that we don’t notice Thanksgiving! Yes, the most delicious day of the year is closer and closer? What should you do, eat, and where should you go for the holiday? Check soon!
  • When we say Thanksgiving, we mean Cyber Monday! Which gift can you prepare for a person based on their zodiac sign? How to satisfy your Cancer friend or Virgo lover on Cyber Monday? Coming soon!
  • As usual, we never forget about Runes. Your December runic reading will help you get ready for the month ahead and make use of your strongest sides!

I did it! Now, while waiting for your fresh predictions, you can read your dailyweeklymonthlyloveRunic readings or look for the articles that touch your soul!

See you soon,  Alice Anderson

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