Rune Stone Reading for November

We asked runes about your life in November, and there seem to be some dark influences in your life now… Read on to peer into your future and find out how to combat these energies!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Oct 25, 2021

Your runes this November are Algiz and Sowilo.

Algiz (direct position): Shield

Rune stone reading for November: Algiz
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The rune’s energy: protective inner force, Valkyries.

There are several runes that give protection, but this one is special because its protection is somewhat mechanical. It doesn’t really care what’s going on, it just works. It acts in a certain way under certain circumstances.

It is also a teaching force that promotes independence and strength. Maybe it’s time to become more autonomous? Think about your situation: are you too dependent on someone else? Can you be better off without someone else’s influence? Will it be better for your life and career? Think about leaving your comfort zone.

The spiritual force of the rune envelops you with so much energy that you feel like you’re embraced by the Divine powers. To feel the energy of the rune, draw it on a piece of paper and meditate, focusing on its image. Try to imagine its powers embracing you and protecting you from evil minds.

Is someone wishing you evil? Who is that?! Pick your cards here to find out how to protect yourself!

Here’s what runes say about your job & career

Rune stone reading for November: Career
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If you’re facing a conflict or someone else is trying to stop you from implementing your ideas (it may be a negative person at work or someone in your inner circle who is only pretending to be your friend), this rune is here to protect you. Algiz asks you to use your intuition to find that evil person: think about your colleagues or other people you know. Maybe some of them bring only negativity and chaos? Don’t let dark energies cloud your mind or lead you astray; use your intuition to avoid evil forces.

It’s also a rune of creativity and good luck. New opportunities may appear in your life soon — it may be a turning point in your career, so focus on your emotional control. Don’t let your feelings ruin your chances to succeed. Do not succumb to emotions, even if they seem to be positive!

This rune means that you’re in the process of self-realization. Soon, you may understand what choices to make and what influences to avoid.

Is that person REALLY your friend? Explore the reality of your relationship HERE. 

Sowilo (direct or reversed position): The Sun

Rune stone reading for November: Sowilo
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This rune’s energy: motivational, life-giving, urging you to act and move forward.

It’s one of the most energetically charged runes. But its energy is not chaotic or uncontrollable, it’s a channeled flow that is there to help you.

Last month, your life was governed by the rune Isaz which brings stagnation and obstacles. Sowilo is the counterforce to that rune. It brings light and fire, it promotes dedication and optimism in every endeavor. It will help you move forward and keep you focused on your goal without caring what others have to say.

The sun rune exposes matters to the clear light and strikes like lightning in a controlled burst of energy. This month, you will understand something important. Your mind is not clouded by doubts or anxiety anymore; you see things as they really are.

What should you do to achieve success? Pick your cards HERE to reveal your future!

Here’s what runes say about your health and love life

Rune stone reading for November: Love and health
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As the rune sheds light on your situation, you understand what you want in your relationship. Sowilo urges you to do the right thing. It gives you the power to succeed and heal your relationship if there are any rifts or wounds.

Because of everything that happened in October (it may be conflicts or boredom), your partner may be moody this month. Sowilo will help you be more patient with your significant other; you will be optimistic enough to make them feel better. Support them when they feel down; don’t let them think they’re alone in their fight.

Runic advice: Use your imagination and creativity to express your feelings. Let your partner know that you love them and appreciate them. Recharge your relationship with the rune’s powerful energy!

This rune promises optimum health levels and advanced capabilities of your mind. You will be able to fight off stress and anxiety due to your newly acquired strength. All is right and running its course!

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