Your runes this January are Tiwaz and Ansuz.
Tiwaz (reversed): The Great Warrior

Let’s see whatthis rune means. Tiwaz is talking aboutsacrificing something important for a greater cause. Seeing this runein your reading means that you probably won’t get any tangiblereward soon. Itsays: everything has its own price, and I will pay it.
The rune is all about honesty andfaith, which have more value than any material things. Tiwaz can becalled a symbol of true grit.
What runes say about your career &job

The universe does not approve of yourchoices or decisions. Getting this rune in your reading may mean thatfailures are on the cards. A decline in strength is possible.Creative ideas around you are scarce. Coworkers may turn outunfaithful, or there may be some painful misunderstandings.
The decline in strength may be causedby bad timing and rushed decisions. Time to have a closer look atyour career path. Is this truly what you want? Try to do your best todiscover yourself and your abilities anew. The danger lies in rusheddecisions, so before making an important choice (and changing yourcareer path is quite important), make sure to look at your situationfrom every possible point of view. Is there something you don’tnotice?
Think about faith and trust. Thinkabout your life – is it good enough? Does your career bring joy?Reconsider your motives. You will soon find answers within yourself;just listen to what your heart has to say.
Try to be busy. This is not a dark time– you can devote it to looking for answers. Do not waste yourenergy fighting with something you cannot defeat.
Ansuz: Communication

This rune is pretty straightforward.It’s all about communication in all forms, including interactionswith your own spiritual realm. The rune speaks to you in a languageyou can easily understand; it doesn’t send you any crypticmessages. However, you need to be ready to listen to what the runewants to tell you.
Knowledge is not given to those whodon’t want it. Only those who are ready to work tirelessly canreceive it.
Ansuz is talking about informationstreams traveling through the universe. It’s connected with anysource of information, including dreams.

Whatrunes say about love life & health
Theworld wants to talk to you. No matter how difficult your situationseems to be, you will be helped. Be attentive to any words and signs,including those that come from your subconscious realm – dreams,revelations.
Thisrune is favorable for your health and relationships. Good luck maysmile at you soon. If this has not happened yet, you can expect itsoon. You may receive a gift from your loved one, or, if you’resingle, someone may appear in your life and change it for the better.Or you may receive a gift from the higher powers that will help youchange your attitude to your situation. This may allow you to feelhealthier.
Ifyou have health problems, they may disappear soon or at least becomefar more bearable.
Tryto be very attentive and empathetic during random encounters,meetings, and conversations with your partner. Listen to the opinionsof others. If something unusual happens (for example, your partnersays or does something special), make sure to pay attention. Wait fora sign (from the universe or from within) and try to understand it.
Thekeywords for January are messages, signs, gifts, fighting.
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