Hey there!
Alice Anderson is here with you again and is extremely eager to tell you about your past and future! In particular, to lift the veil of our October plans and to remind you of what fantastic readings you may have missed in September!
So, let’s start with September - you can still check these horoscope articles today:
- Have you ever heard about family karma? Do you have it? If yes, how to deal with it? All the answers are here. Check now and learn how to send your bad karma away!
- We’ve got another notion you may have never heard about. Which sign have you been born under - a cardinal, a fixed, or a mutable one? What does this mean to you? Hurry up to check your sign right now!
- Everyday Horoscopes project has one big aim in mind - to help you conquer the future. Forewarned is forearmed, and we know about this more than many other projects do. Now, we’ve collected our top content pieces in one place, explaining to you how you can make the best use of them. Check now and don’t forget to contact our Customer Care to tell us more about your Everyday Horoscopes experience!
- A Full Moon appears in the night sky every month, but every month it’s different and possesses different features. What was the full moon of September, and what will it be like in October, November, and all the other months of the year? Check here!
- Wanna check which Scandinavian Runes governs your zodiac sign and how to use it for your benefit? Then you should definitely check your Birth Runes horoscope now! Is it Teiwaz, Fehu, or Raido?
- On September 23, the Sun has entered Libra. That’s a new season and new chances for you to make your life a bit (or a lot) happier. What will it bring? Check here!
- Have you ever thought about your influence on others? What do other signs learn from you, what do they like or hate you for? How do you make people take your side? Check your horoscope here and explore your most powerful force!
- Every month, we prepare special Runic readings for your zodiac sign. We believe it will help you look behind traditional astrology and learn a bit more about yourself and your future. Now is the time for your October reading - check it now if you’ve missed it!

Phew, that was a lot of prediction! So, what’s coming soon?
- We love sticking to our best traditions; that’s why we’ll send you your October horoscope at the very beginning of the month! Check it to be ready for what the Universe has in store for you!
- New Moons visit us quite often. What vibes do they bring to your life? How is it better to behave during this period? Check your New Moon horoscope - the next New Moon will occur on October 6th already!
- Do you know that every zodiac sign has its own power chakra? What’s your strongest one, and what effect does it produce on you and on your close people? Your Power Chakra horoscope will give you a couple of hints soon.
- That’s the horoscope that I personally adore! We’ve named it The most unusual zodiac couples, and that’s really so. What would you say about Leo + Capricorn? Or Gemini + Aries? As to me, the idea of them being a couple seems quite strange. Will it work, and why? Wait for the horoscope to see!
- Another October horoscope I adore is the reading about the most profound achievement of each zodiac sign. What can Aries do to surprise everyone? What is a Virgo person known for? Don’t miss your horoscope to check this!
- Closer to the end of the month, the Sun enters Scorpio - one of the most turbulent zodiac reps. Will the period add more turbulence and emotions to your life, too? Your Sun in Scorpio horoscope will let you know about this quite soon!
- A fresh Runic reading for November will be waiting for you right at the end of October! Don’t miss it if you want to get extra knowledge stars won’t tell you about.
- Ghostly greetings! It’s Halloween time, and we’re ready for a spooky celebration! Are you? Start with checking your Halloween Horoscope to be sure about all the tricks and treats your zodiac sign can expect quite soon!
Wow, that’s it! So much astrological info for you - but you can get even more! Check your daily, weekly, monthly, love, Runic readings and find much more on our website!
See you soon,
Alice Anderson
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