Withoutfurther ado, here’s what we do to make YOUR sign happy.
Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

If we imagine this squad as a sound, they would resemble a battlecry. Aries, Sag, and Leo are inborn fighters – don’t you dare tomake them angry! They manifest their element in different ways (forexample, Aries is… the angriest one), but they all can destroy andcreate, and they’re super in touch with their emotions and VIVIDimagination.
So, what kind of predictions can match their fiery vibe?
There’s one thing that letsyou imagineyourself being aNordic warrior – without putting you in jail, thatis – and this thing is runes. We have alot of stuff that helpsyou use the magic of runes and explore their meanings. Youcan find out how runes and your Zodiac sign work together.You can improve your relationship.You can exploreyour present and your future.Seriously, we have runic predictions forevery taste – check themout!
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)

What are they like? Their energy is very sensual and tangible.They tend to appreciate quality food, quality wine, and… qualityYouTube videos. Good news: we have a lot of YouTube videos createdfor you by our experienced astrologer with the most soothing voice.
Watch this to explore the love energies around you.Watch this to find out how to calculate your life path number.Or watch this to learn how to use a special Tarot technique that cananswer your questions.Get a cup of cocoa, get comfortable, enjoy our YouTube channel, andfeel that Earth energy!
And oh, here’s a special bonus for our beloved Capricorns –career horoscopes!
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)

Think about air spreading ideas – these signs are all aboutbeing communicative, creative, and active. They have terrific socialskills and are great communicators. They think logically rather thanemotionally.
What part of astrology suits their vibes? Numerology! Air signsare good at spotting little detail – and numerology is all aboutdetails. Here you can find out how the universe sends you hiddenmessages via certain numbers.
These signs love exploring everything in depth. Astrology is noexception, so here’s a guide on how to understand astrologicalhouses!
As we already mentioned, the air squad likes to talk. So, if youwant to share your ideas with us, or give us the thumbs-up, or maybeeven criticize us (gasp), contact us here.By the way, we’re very present on social media, too, so chat withus and maybe drop us a like on Instagram, on Facebook, on Pinterest,and on Twitter.OurInstagram is simply glorious – short videos, beautiful pics, andlinks to our newest readings!
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

These guys are sensitive, intuitive, and imaginative. That’s whywe think that the best thing on EverydayHoroscopes for them is theTarot. Every Tarot card is full of magic, secrets, and sacredknowledge. With the Tarot, you can take control of your future,discover the truth, and, of course, have fun – because the cardsare so entertaining! They’re just like real people (or bookcharacters) who can’t wait to get to know you. The Fool, theEmperor, the High Priestess, and even the Devil – what secrets dothey bear? What vibes do they send?
Our huge library of Tarot readings gives a space to ask your mostburning questions. Is your relationship meant to last? What willhappen next? Is your significant other cheating on you?
We have a lot of Tarot stuff here and lots of unique spreads here.And if you don’t have your own Tarot deck, don’t worry. We have aYouTube channel where we perform Tarot readings for you!
It doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy Tarot if your element is notwater. Your birth chart is more complicated than that – you may beinfluenced by your Moon sign and even Rising sign. Or you may justlove Tarot or runes without any astrological reasons.
What kind of readings do you prefer? Tell us here!
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