Your Astro Digest for January

Hi there! Check what predictions you've missed in December and which ones are to come!

By Alice Anderson

Published: Jan 14, 2022

Hi guys!

Happy Holidays! EverydayHoroscopes and its editor-in-chief Alice Anderson congratulate you on the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years! We’re happy to be with you during the holidays and will do our best to bring you the most joyous and auspicious horoscopes. Let’s start with the ones you have probably missed in December.

Here’s the list of both evergreen and time-sensitive predictions as you may still need them one day:

  • We at EverydayHoroscopes know that you love Tarot readings. We believe there can’t be too many of them; that’s why we’ve prepared your December Tarot reading. Look through it today to see if the Tarot prediction for your zodiac sign has come true!
  • Do you know that each of us has a specific aura color? This is not a simple shade that means nothing but the genuine reflection of your personality, as bright, pale, or dark as it may be. Which aura color predetermines your decisions and choices? Check here!
  • The new calendar year is a new reason to check your lucky days! You can do it anytime, so why not do it now? See your lucky days and make sure you plan something crucial for these days only!

  • The end of the year is the best time to draw conclusions. What have you achieved? In what have you failed? Why? What can you do now to achieve more next year? Keeping these thoughts in mind, please go and read our Greatest Achievements Horoscope! P.S. Don’t forget to leave your response below the article so that we see if the predictions have been true for you.
  • The Sun has been in Capricorn since December 21. Congrats, dear Caps! That’s your time now - the time of stubbornness, hard work, big achievements, and... depression! How will each zodiac sign cope with it? Check here!
  • December is the month of Christmas; we can’t but admit it. Are you sure you’ve chosen the right Christmas gifts for your close one? Want to check now? Read our Christmas Gift horoscope and check now!
  • All the best horoscopes of the year (proved by our readers) in one article! Is this even possible? Sure! Click here and get the reading that aroused interest in our most sophisticated horoscope users.
  • Last but not least, our monthly Runic prediction is something you must read today. Created for you by our most avid runic reader, this prediction resorts to Runes to tell you what’s coming very soon, this month! Make sure to check it before making an important decision.

That’s all for December. Welcome January now! We’re planning to surprise you twice a week, as usual, and send you our most engaging horoscope readings. Here they are: 

  • At the beginning of the month, you’ll, as usual, receive your complete monthly reading. Make sure not to miss it this time!
  • Right after your regular monthly reading, get ready to explore your Tarot prediction for January. Learn the secret card of the month and see how it will affect you very soon. P.S. The card may scare you!
  • In 2022, every zodiac sign will get its special numbers. They will bring you luck and prosperity but only if you use them properly. What numbers are the luckiest ones for you this year? Don’t miss your prediction to check!
  • We face an incredibly unfortunate astrological event several times a year - Mercury Retrograde.
  • It comes quietly but produces a big and destroying effect on all of us. How will your sign be affected after January 17th? Don’t miss your reading right before the date to check!
  • Although Full Moons come every month, they’re different each time. Which type of Full Moon should we expect in January, and why is it called so? In what way is it different from all the other Full Moons? Check this in the second half of January! 

  • On January 21st, the Sun enters Aquarius. That’s a big transition as all zodiac signs fall under sign's influence - clever, optimistic, eccentric, independent, and condescending. Will the special breath of Aquarius touch all the signs? Check closer to the date - we’ll tell you everything.
  • Do you sometimes feel anything strange? Or become nervous for no reason? Or hear odd voices or smells? Congrats - spirits have chosen you to talk to the real world! Want to know more about this strange phenomenon? Make sure to read our Supported by Ghosts horoscope at the end of January!
  • As usual, we resort to Runes to complete our monthly digest. In the last days of January, we’ll tell you about the Runes of February and what they promise you. Runes never lie! Don’t miss our reading to check it for yourself.

Dear readers, thank you for your patience and your interest to our regular weekly predictions. Not to get bored while waiting for them, get ready for the future with our daily, weekly, monthly, love, and Runic readings! Let EverydayHoroscopes guide you through this crazy world!

See you soon,

Alice Anderson

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