Love, Cheating, Tarot: Best Horoscopes of the Year

2021 had lots of interesting planetary movements, astrological events, and, of course, fun astro articles. Without further ado, here’s the list of our best horoscopes this year – check it out!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Dec 27, 2021

Is Your Sign Cardinal, Fixed, or Mutable?

Best Horoscopes of 2021: Modality
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You probably alreadyknow your Zodiac sign (and maybe even your rising sign, too!), itspersonality traits, and how compatible it is with other signs. Butthere’s so much more to know!

For example, do youknow which signs are cardinal? What makes your sign cardinal,mutable, or fixed? How to find out which sign is which? What doesthis all even mean?! In this article, you will find out if your signis mutable, fixed, or cardinal, learn your sign’s nickname, and seeyour sign’s quality and element (no two signs have the samecombination). Your sign is totally unique, and you will see why.

Cardinal signs arethe front-runners of the Zodiac. They’re known as leaders with ago-getter attitude. Fixed signs are loyal – you can always rely onthem. They’re stabilizers of the Zodiac. However, they’re alsoVERY stubborn.

Mutable signs areadaptable and can go with the flow. They’re solution-oriented andwill always find a compromise.

Can you guess whatmodality your sign has? Is it mutable, fixed, or cardinal? Checkyourself here.

Full Moons and TheirNames

Peopleused to track themonths by the movement of the moon. Indigenous peoples of Americacreated names for each full moon. Thishelped them understand and celebrate eachseason. So, what names did they use? Whatis the name of this month’s full moon?

In this article, youwill learn the names of each full moon of the year (12 full moons intotal) and find out how to use their energies to your benefit.

What do you think isthe name of this month’s full moon? The Wolf Moon, the Snow Moon,or the Cold Moon? Check yourself here.

How the Signs Cheat

Best Horoscopes of 2021: Cheating
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How does cheatingwork? What can force your sign to cheat? How to tell if a certainsign is cheating? Are there any signs that are more prone tocheating? In this article, you will learn everything you need to knowabout cheating from the astrological point of view.

Some signs cheatbecause there’s not enough passion in their relationship – theyjust can’t stand boredom. Some cheat because they suspect thattheir partner is not loyal. Some almost never cheat. So, what aboutyour sign? Does it cheat often? How to force your sign to cheat? Findout here!

Find Love Using theTarot

How to bring romanceinto your life? What to do if you’re single and can’t find love?Is it even possible to find your soul mate at all?!

Finding love is noteasy, and we’ve all had our fair share of horrible dates. But didyou know? The Tarot can help you find your true love. The kind thatgives you butterflies.

The Tarot is a greatsource of wisdom. They can help you find your answers, determine yourpath, and make a decision. You only have to interpret them correctly– and this may be hard if you don’t know what you’re doing. Inthis article, you will find out how to ask the right questions andget correct answers. Check out these powerful Tarot spreads that canhelp you bring love into your life!

Is Your CoupleSpecial?

Best Horoscopes of 2021: Unique Couples
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We’reall searching for someone who may seem tofit us perfectly on paper. But our bestmatch may be totallyunexpected. So, who is your unexpected match?

Ifyou keep having bad dates and love-related disasters (even when yourpartners are your perfect astrological matches), youmay be looking for love in entirely wrong places. Check out someunusual Zodiac pairings – you may find love where you least expectit!

Ifyou’re in a relationship, do you think your couple is unusual?Check yourselfhere.

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