Hi guys!
While the world around remains pretty tough, EverydayHoroscopes and its editor-in-chief Alice Anderson are here to bring you peace and calm. The Universe is always here to support you and give you some helpful insights that will bring hope to your disturbed hearts. Ready? Let’s get started (February comes first)!
- The month started with a New Moon. What does it mean for your sign, which tips should you follow during this period, and which things you’d better stay away from? Check all the relevant info here to unravel the magic of the New Moon period!
- Do you like Tarot readings? We love them! Have you heard about lucky and unlucky Tarot cards? Which are they? What if you saw the Death card in your Tarot spread – will it bring you happiness or disasters? We’ve gathered all the answers for you here – check now!
- It seems we haven’t given you many love predictions lately, and we’re very sorry for this! Let us correct our mistake right now – check your karmic forecast that’s created to help you find love!
- The Full Moon marked the middle of the month in February, too. However, this Full Moon is different from the one we’ve seen in January and earlier and will be different from the one we’ll see in March. What Full Moon is coming in March, what will it bring to your sign, and what are the consequences of February Full Moon? Check all the answers here!
- Right now, we’re in the season of Pisces that started on February 19. Traditionally, the Pisces sign is seen as creative, generous, and empathetic. On the other hand, they can be too emotional, closed off, and easily impressionable. It’s expected that the whole Pisces season will look like its brightest representatives, too! Check what your zodiac sign should expect of the Pisces season now!
- Have you ever noticed that you like some foods and products more than others? Why does it happen? Your zodiac sign may be the key! Broccoli of beef? Chips or milk? Popcorn or smoothies? What’s your favorite food? Compare it with the ones attributed to your zodiac sign here!
- You can already check what Runes promise to you in March! Will you enjoy peace and calmness, or will you have to suffer from unexpected challenges? See here!

Now, let’s see what is coming in March and what your zodiac sign should expect soon!
- We’ll start the month with your fave Tarot reading! See what the cards promise to you in March, and get ready for big changes!
- Our readers wait for their monthly predictions every month and hope that it will bring them positive news only. What’s coming in March? Which signs will be lucky, and which ones will have to brace themselves? Your March horoscope will tell you!
- In March, we’re celebrating a happy event that marks the equality of day and night. It means Spring is already here, and Summer isn’t long in coming! Check your Spring Equinox Horoscope to find out more about your Spring opportunities!
- You must have heard about zodiac signs that are destined to be together, e.g., Aries and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, or Gemini and Pisces. What about totally uncommon unions that still work? What would you say about Taurus and Libra or Cancer and Aquarius? The list of the most unusual couples is coming soon!
- Traditionally, at the end of the month, you’ll get your Runic prediction for the next month. What will Runes promise in April?
That’s all for March! While your fresh March readings are still being prepared for you by our astrologers, you can check your daily, weekly, monthly, love, and Runic horoscopes! You can always rely on EverydayHoroscopes even if the world around is more turbulent than ever before.
Always yours,
Alice Anderson
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