Your Astro Digest for August

See all the horoscopes you've missed in July and get your early access to those we'll send in August!

By Alice Anderson

Published: Aug 05, 2022

Hi guys!

We're going through pretty turbulent days now, which means we're stressed, scared, unsatisfied, or even depressed. However, Alice Anderson and my team of astrologers are here to help you look into your future without panic. This is a traditional monthly digest from EverydayHoroscopes and its traditional editor-in-chief. What have you missed, and what does the future promise now? Check the predictions below to make things clear!

Traditionally, let's start with July and its readings. Why not click and reread them to check whether some (or all) of them have come true?

  • We started the month with our classic July horoscope you love. In August, you'll get a similar monthly prediction and check what's coming soon. If you still have questions, please ask our Customer Care specialist here.
  • Another thing we know you love is your monthly Tarot card. You can still see your July card here and see if your sign's predictions are true! By the way, have you checked your Tarot card? What is it? Please share it on our Facebook page now.

  • Which kind of person could become not just your partner, but your TRUE soulmate? Where to look for such a person? What signs could they be born under? Check here and see if you and your partner are destined for each other!
  • We're not perfect. Everybody could enumerate a couple of qualities we're not proud of. However, there's ONE negative feature in each of us that outweighs all the rest. Which is this quality for you, and how could you fight it (if necessary)? Learn here!
A woman in August
Image source:

It's August already! What are the stars going to promise us this month? Be the first to get all monthly predictions in ONE digest.

  • You must have already received your August Horoscope. Haven't you read it yet? Hurry up – check your email right now and get all the month's insights for your sign.

  • Would you like to check if a person is in love with you? But how to do it? Do they show any feelings? Do they behave strangely? You can get the answer right now – just pick the person's sign to see the answer.
  • What is a karmic contract? Are you in a karmic contract right now? How to break it if you feel you need it? How to avoid getting trapped in them in the future? See here!
  • According to Feng Shui, there are many tips you may follow if you feel you need more now. One of them is to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. What are the rest? Check here!
  • Which important things about your Karma do you need to know? Which advice to follow to succeed in as many spheres of this life as possible? Check the karmic lessons for your zodiac sign here to explore the path to your better self!

Please note: your daily, weekly, monthly, love, and Runic horoscopes are available any time of the day or week! Don't forget to check your EverydayHoroscopes predictions daily to know where to find love!

Always yours,

Alice Anderson

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