
Articles by the Personality

What job suits you best? Which sign could become your best life partner, and which ones are most likely to be your enemy? Explore your personality together with us.

How Your Zodiac's Energy Influences Others


What We Do to Make Your Sign Happy

Eugenia Stern

What is a Psychic and How to Find a Good One?

Kristen Cooley

How to Heal Your Body Using Astrology

Eugenia Stern

Cusp Signs

Eugenia Stern

Bosses of the Zodiac

Eugenia Stern

Self-Reliant Signs

Eugenia Stern

Successful Signs

Eugenia Stern

Your Power Chakra

Eugenia Stern

Incompatible Signs

Eugenia Stern

Zodiac Addictions

Nataly Porter

Sporty Signs

Alice Anderson

Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable signs – what are they?

Tassie Zingaro

Zodiac Money Habits

Eugenia Stern

Power Color Horoscope

Nataly Porter

Bad Habits Horoscope

Nataly Porter
1 2 3 4 5

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Energies of the Past and Future Shamanic Reading

The cards you select in this in-depth reading will tell everything you need to know about your past, your energies, your hidden issues, and see what to expect.