How to Heal Your Body Using Astrology

Each part of your body is governed by particular Zodiac signs, meaning we have the energy of every single sign in our bodies. When a certain body part is facing an illness, you can use your energies to try and heal it. Read on to find out how to channel your energies and use the power of the Zodiac!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: May 12, 2021

Use your energies to heal your body


Mar 21 - Apr 19

Thisfiery Zodiac sign is associated with hair, head, and face. Itspowerful energy is connected with leadership, defending yourself,motivation, and achieving your goals against all odds. It governs theemotions of confidence, anger, and courage. 

Aries: How to Heal Yourself

When this sign’s energies are imbalanced, it usually manifests inloss of confidence, depression, migraines, skin problems, runny nose,and hair loss. To balance the energies of this sign and healyourself, you need to give up your hyperactive thoughts, try to becalmer, and pay attention to the world around you.


Apr 20 - May 20

Thisearthly sign governs the upper back, throat, neck, thyroid, andtonsils. Its energies are all about stability, balance, andconsistency. Taurus reigns over the material, physical world, andfeelings of security. The sign’s energies are confident, calm, andare strongly connected with pleasures.

When this sign’s energies are imbalanced, it can manifest in neckproblems, back pains, sore throat, and a hoarse voice. It may alsoresult in an irrational fear of something terrible that is about tohappen. To heal your body, try harmonizing your throat area bysinging and modifying your life and environment if it’s possible.


May 21 - June 20

Thissign is associated with the mind, your ability to express thoughts inthe most efficient way, creativity, and intelligence. It’s alsoconnected with your arms and hands. Because Geminis are the socialbutterflies of the Zodiac, the sign’s energies are all aboutexpressing yourself freely.

When the energies of the sign are imbalanced, it may manifest inconfused mental processes, pain in the arms, and a fear of expressingyour thoughts freely. To heal yourself and feel better, you shouldtry meditating or keeping a diary. It helps you calm down and get ridof obsessive thoughts.


June 21 - July 22

Cancerreigns over the heart and chest. The energy of this sign is all aboutexpressing your true emotions. It’s also connected with kindnessand your will to serve and help others. Cancer is one of the mostcompassionate and supportive Zodiac signs. It’s the healer of theZodiac circle.

Cancer: How to Heal Yourself

The energy imbalance can manifest itself inyour emotions going wild and uncontrollable, exhaustion, desire to bealone, and being more sensitive. To heal yourself, you should trybreathing exercises or just spending more time in the fresh air ifit’s possible. Get your complete soul profile here. 


July 23 - Aug 22

Thisroyal sign reigns over the heart and upper back. Leo’s energy isall about being yourself, shining, and being unafraid to express yourreal thoughts and opinions. Leo is confident, proud, and never scaredto pursue their wildest goals. 

The energy imbalance may result in heartdiseases, back pain, difficulties in expressing your feelings, a lackof confidence, and fear of being rejected or alone. Here’s how toheal your body: open your heart by being creative or openly talkingto those you care about.


Aug 23 - Sept 22

Thissign governs the stomach and digestive system. This sign’s elementis earth, making its energies grounded and peaceful. Virgo is very intelligent and never fails to notice smaller detailsand analyze them.

Sometimes, when the energy loses its balance, it may result inproblems with the digestive system, eating disorders, obsessivebehavior, stubbornness, and anxiety. To heal yourself, you need toget rid of repetitive thoughts and clear your mind with the use ofmeditation, yoga, or creative exercises.


Sept 23 - Oct 23

Libragoverns the kidneys, bladder, and lower back. This sign’s energiesare all about building healthy relationships and taking care of yourloved ones. It’s associated with learning to connect with othersand expressing your thoughts. The essence of Libra is charming,sincere, sharing, and romantic.

Libra: How to Heal Yourself

When the energy of Libra is imbalanced, it can result in being toodependent on others. It can also cause some kidney or bladder-relatedissues such as infections or back pain. To heal your body, you needto think more about others and look for compromises. Find your ownways and be more independent.


Oct 24 - Nov 22

Scorpio’senergy governs the genital area. Scorp is all about transformation,learning how to change and grow, and being unafraid to look at yourdark side to find the light in it. The sign is associated with beingsecretive, charming, magnetic, and somewhat romantic. 

When the energies of the sign lose their balance, it may result in fear,a feeling of blockage, depression, anxiety, and a lack of libido.Here’s how to balance your energies and heal yourself: learn toaccept changes and clear your mind. Meditation, spending time nearwater, or tantra can help you with this.


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Theenergies of Sag govern the hips and the liver. The sign is all aboutlearning and teaching others. Sags are always ready to go on for anadventure; they’re never afraid to explore new places and newpeople. For them, to live means to learn and discover. They aspire tounderstand the world and life itself.

The energy imbalance may result in someproblems with your hips and liver. It can also cause anxiety issuesand the inability to stay in one place for a long time. To balancethe energies of Sagittarius and heal your body, you need to travelmore if it’s possible or just learn new things at home.


Dec 22 - Jan 19

Thissign governs your teeth, bones, and knees. Its energies are connectedwith productivity and getting things done in the most effective waypossible. Caps are extremely ambitious and will do everything toachieve their goals. They hate chaos; their energy is all aboutharmony and order.

Capricorn: How to Heal Yourself

When the energies of the sign are imbalanced, some serious knee orbone problems can happen. It can also result in blockages and a lackof motivation and creativity. To heal yourself and balance theenergies of Capricorn, you need to take a break and check whatexactly fuels your motivation. Relax and meditate.


Jan 20 - Feb 19

Theenergy of Aquarius is connected with your nervous system and yourankles. This sign loves discovering new things andbringing out their inner rebel. Aquarius is open-minded,community-oriented, creative, and energizing.

When the energy of this sign loses its balance, it may result inthe feeling of being lost in this big, scary world; sometimes it caneven cause panic attacks and severe anxiety. To healyourself and your mind, you need to find the balance: think about the big pictureand surround yourself with people who understand and support you.


Feb 20 - Mar 20

Theenergy of this sign is associated with your feet. Pisces is all aboutaligning with your spirituality and a deep understanding of life. Their energy awakenscompassion, artistry, creativity, and a strong connection to thedivine.

When the energies of the sign become chaotic, it often may causeselfishness, being detached from others, and being extra sensitive.To heal yourself and feel better, you need to get in touch with the spiritual part ofyour life. Try to channel your energy into something productive: trydrawing, knitting, or writing.

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