The Horoscope of the USA
America was born on July 4, 1776, whichmeans our country’s Zodiac sign is Cancer. So, what exactly does itmean?
Personality Traits

According to Western astrology, our country is sensitive,emotional, and cares deeply about the matters of the family. Cancer is loyal and able to empathize with the suffering of others.The mind of Cancer natives is full of mysteries and fleetingemotional patterns. They’re extremely sensitive to environments andextremely self-protective.
Cancer’s lack of patience manifests through TERRIBLE moodswings, selfishness, and self-pity. Cancerians are always ready tohelp others and just as quick to avoid conflicts. But if they want tofight, they choose to mess with someone (or something) that is biggerthan they are. According to astrology, America may be a bitold-fashioned, attached to tradition and routine.
American Chart: ASuccess Story

Now, let’s have alook at America’s birth horoscope. One notable thing about it isthe cluster of planets in the 10th House.
The 10th House symbolizes leadership and international position. America’sleadership is quite obvious here! Its leadership is soft (but strong,like that of an overprotective mother), making the country aprotector of human values. The country’s choices and prioritiesinfluence the world tremendously. According to the natal chart, theUSA will never be able to adopt a more modest attitude toward othercountries.
Venus and Jupiter inthe 10th House show the charm of America. Everyone isfascinated by what goes on in the USA.
Mercury in the 10th House is in retrograde, marking the inability of the USA tocommunicate with other countries. America can dictate, but notnegotiate.

Some Houses in thenatal chart of the USA don’t have any planets at all, which meansthat they’re not important in our society: the 2nd House(economy and finances), 3rd House (everydaycommunication), 6th House (health), 7th House(relationships), 8th House (fate), and 11th House (friends, collective ideas).
Chinese Zodiac Sign
1776is the year of the Monkey. Sharp, smart, but naughty, people (andcountries) born this year have magnetic personalities. They’remasters of practical jokes, and these jokes may sometimes hurtothers. Monkeys are fast learners and use every opportunity they see.While some like the eccentric nature of America, others don'ttrust its sly and restless nature.
Lucky numbers:white, blue, gold
Lucky directions: North, west
American Compatibility

So, are you compatible with yourown country?! Find out how your relationship works.
Aries and America’s relationship is a case of oppositesattracting. Aries is passionate, while Cancer is sensitive andemotional. However, Aries can overwhelm Cancer or find their moodswings annoying.
Taurus and America’s union is usually a verygood combination. They’re both domestic and both tend to benurturers.
Gemini and America have a very curious relationship. Cancerianshave trouble communicating, while Geminis are the social butterfliesof the Zodiac.
A Cancer-Cancer match makes for a deeply devoted duobecauseof their mutual empathetic and generous characteristics.
Leo and America’s relationship is based on dedication. But whileCancer (America) seeks stability, Leo craves admiration.
Virgo and Cancer’s love match makes a strong, down-to-earthrelationship. They often share the same purpose.

Libras and America fall in love with each other easily. They giveeach other important things that each lacks.
Scorpios and America combine well and they have a lot in common.Their strengths and weaknesses balance each other.
Sagittarius and America need time to get to know each other.Cancer may want more of a commitment than Sags are willing to give.
Capricorns and America’s pairing is based on determination andtenacity. Capricorns are down-to-earth, while Cancer brings a bit ofintensity.
Aquarius and Cancer are both ambitious and determined. However,America may seem a bit too conservative to Aquarians.
Pisceans and America can be called a perfect match. Pisces nativesare energized by Cancer’s (America’s) ideas.
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