
The King of Everything

The Sun’s life-giving light and warm energy are associated with health and well-being. It endows us with vitality and a will to win. The Sun is also known to represent the self and the unique personality that we share with the world. The daytime luminary appeals to our creativity and ability to face everyday challenges head-on.

The Sun emanates forceful male energy; it rules people and planets as a father rules his children. The Sun is associated with authority and leadership; it helps people manifest their individual identity in the world.

The Sun plays a key role in astrology, as all the other planets are gravitating around it. It is the king of our universe, giving strength to everyone and everything. It takes the Earth a year to circumnavigate around the Sun, so the royal celestial body spends a month in every Zodiac sign. Its masculine energy controls Leo and the Fifth House.

Other Planets and Their Meanings

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