The Karmic Planet
Ringed Saturn loves loading people with work; it’s basically its main zodiacal function. It demands self-discipline and responsibility but holds nothing against high ambition.
However, Saturn makes you question yourself non-stop whether you will manage to cram everything that you want to do in a single lifetime. But it also encourages you to learn life’s lessons, especially the ones it is eager to teach.
The ringed planet helps you acquire patterns of behavior, respect traditions, and turn past experiences into worldly wisdom. Saturn prizes perseverance above all other human characteristics; structure and
order are its domain. The planet tends to control the way you use your assets; it also keeps an eye
on how you deal with good and bad karma.
Saturn completes its orbit in 28 to 30 years. Its masculine energy exercises an influence over people
born under the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius, as well as over the Tenth House of Social Status and
the Eleventh House of Friends.
Oracle Readings to Improve Your Life
Energies of the Past and Future Shamanic Reading
The cards you select in this in-depth reading will tell everything you need to know about your past, your energies, your hidden issues, and see what to expect.
Love & Obsession Spells Cast
Struggling to attract the right person? See a spell that brings your soulmate closer or draws more admirers into your life—become stronger in love today!
Star Path Reading
Is your soul ancient or new? Discover your soul's age, vibration, and hidden purpose—plus how to turn challenges into your greatest opportunities!
Moon Reading
The moon you were born under shapes your destiny! Learn how your personal moon phase influences your emotions, relationships, and life path.
Celtic Cross Tarot Spread
10-Card Reading. This spread can help you explore your current situation in great detail by examining the influences that affect it.
Success in a Career
9-Card Reading. No matter where you are now professionally – just out of school or in the middle of your career – the Tarot can give that flash of realization you need.