Where You Lived In Your Past Life, Based on Your Sign

Just like Zodiac signs, every country is vibrant, colorful, and has its own unique personality. In fact, every country and even city is ruled by a certain sign of the Zodiac wheel. So, where did you live in your past life, according to your Zodiac sign? See below to find out!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Nov 28, 2022

Aries Zodiac Sign

What country do youthink of when you imagine fire, the element of Aries? It’s probablySpain —the country where Flamenco was born. Spain is full of intense colorsand experiences, and because Aries craves adventures, energy, andenthusiasm, it’s not surprising that you lived there in your pastlife. Aries just naturally gravitates toward this country!

Other possiblecountries: Thailand, England, Hong Kong

Taurus Zodiac Sign

Taurus is a sensualZodiac sign that values beautiful (and delicious) things, so ofcourse, this sign’s natives will feel most alive in France.Romantic strolls and dining while discussing art in Paris issomething any Taurus craves, and it’s quitepossible that you spent your past life in this beautiful country.

Other possiblecountries: Canada, Italy, Morocco

Where You Lived In Your Past Life, Based on Your Sign
Image source: pexels.com

Gemini Zodiac Sign

Thissign is all about thinking; that’s whyScotland, with its amazing cultural depth and richness, is perfectfor this curious and intellectual sign. Because you naturallygravitate towardsthis country and its people, you probably lived there in your pastlife.

Other possiblecountries: Israel, Brazil, USA

There's more to your sign's personality. Get your birthdate analysis here!

Cancer Zodiac Sign

Becauseyou’re a water sign, you feel attached to oceans and lakes, so thecountry of your past life is probably New Zealand. Thiscountry is famous for its breathtaking mountains, lush greenery,gorgeous lakes, and friendly people, which is a perfect combinationfor any Cancerian!

Other possiblecountries: Iceland, Argentina, Greece

Leo Zodiac Sign

Artisticand energetic, royal and bold, Leos feel drawn to Greece withits rich culture, history, breathtakingscenery, and mouthwatering cuisine. In your past life, you probablylived in Athens, the city of contrasts,nightlife and culture, modern architectureand historical buildings. Leos cravecreativity and passion, and Greece holds plenty of these.

Other possiblecountries: India, Italy, Bhutan

Where You Lived In Your Past Life, Based on Your Sign
Image source: pexels.com

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgostend to go with the flow, but they also crave structure and order ineverything they do. They aren’t veryspontaneous and prefer to carefullyplan anything assimple as having a cup of coffee with theirfriends, which is why Sweden is probablythe best country for them. In yourpast life, youprobably lived in a small Swedish town and enjoyed its serenity,cleanness, and beauty.

Otherpossible countries: Germany, Norway, Canada

Okay, but WHO were you in your past life? See here. 

Libra Zodiac Sign

Ruledby Venus, Libras are drawn to beautiful thingsand glasses brimming with the finest wine. That’s why in your pastlife, you probably lived in Italy. Libras are extroverted, kind, andfriendly people that can make anyone warm and happy when they’rearound, so it’s not surprising that thissign’s natives feel at home in Italy’s rivetingly beautifuland hospitable cities.

Other possiblecountries: France, Portugal, Spain

Speaking about your past lives... You may have a karmic contract. See how to detect it here!

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Whatare the firstthings thatcome to your mind when you think aboutScorpio? Probably,mystery, secrets, and magic, which is whythe country of this sign’s past life is Egypt. This country’sbewitching history never fails to mesmerize Scorpios and ignite theirfascination.

Otherpossible countries: Mexico, Argentina, Greece

Where You Lived In Your Past Life, Based on Your Sign
Image source: pexels.com

Sagittarius ZodiacSign

Thisis one of the most adventurous signs, soit’s not surprising that South Africa —with its awe-inspiring scenery, breathtaking oceanic stretches, andcharismatic people —is the country of Sag’s past life. Warm,cheerful, and patient, Sagittarius naturally gravitates towards thiscountry.

Other possiblecountries: Peru, Colombia, Chile

Capricorn ZodiacSign

Caps are the mostambitious and driven among the Zodiac signs. That’s why we thinkthe place where you lived in your past life was Taiwan —its cleanliness, work ethic, self-consistency, and honesty relate toyour sign’s personality and make you feel at home.

Other possiblecountries: Germany, Japan, China

Aquarius Zodiac Sign

The rebel of theZodiac, Aquarius strives to make the world better. They seekinnovation, try new things, and love to experiment. Freedom isthe most important thing for them —that’s why the country of their past life is probably the UnitedStates. Most progressive-minded Aquarius natives feel drawn to thiscountry.

Other possiblecountries: South Korea, Singapore, Sweden

Where You Lived In Your Past Life, Based on Your Sign
Image source: pexels.com

Pisces Zodiac Sign

Dreamy,compassionate, deeply spiritual, Pisceans are the healers of theZodiac wheel who are always ready to help others. They’re hardcoreromantics and enjoy peaceful scenery, and noisy, bustling cities justconfuse and annoy them. That’s why the place of your past life isTibet —its breathtaking scenery would captivate any Piscean!

Other possiblecountries: Iceland, Norway, Slovenia

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