The Luckiest and Unluckiest Signs

Some signs will be extra-lucky. Is your sign among them?

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Jan 29, 2020

Looks like the year is going to be a life-changing year for many of us. Will luck be on your side this year? Or will your sign be a part of the luckiest Zodiac squad? Read on to find out whether the new year will be a lucky one for you – or a total disaster.

The Luckiest Signs

4. Pisces


Dear Pisces native, Neptune and Jupiter – two extremely powerful planets – will ensure the year is one of the best years of your life. Expect a lot of truly magical and unforgettable moments! Luck will always be on your side, boosting your confidence and making you much stronger than ever: it will be virtually impossible to hurt your feelings this year. Make sure to chase your dreams – you will be able to achieve a lot of beautiful things. You’re reaching for the stars and nothing can hold you back. Make the most of the positive vibes Neptune and Jupiter are sending your way!

3. Scorpio


For Scorpio natives, this year will be that of great satisfaction both on the romantic and professional level. Congratulations, Scorpio, because you’re one of the luckiest signs of the Zodiac this year and are about to achieve exactly what you want. Follow your dreams at all costs – you’re the master of your destiny. Luck will come to you if you know how to take your fate in your hands, and, as a true Scorpio native, you definitely know this. Look forward to a magical year!

2. Taurus


Congrats, Taurean, you will experience a lucky and positive year. Expect a lot of magical moments due to the strong influence of Jupiter, the planet of success and fortune. Your year will include a lot of ambitious projects and will urge you to be both courageous and cautious – and this is an awesome combination! The year will also be a good year for those Taureans who crave changes. If you want to start a new professional path, this is the right time!

1. Virgo


Virgo, you’re the luckiest sign of the Zodiac this year! Due to the influence of Saturn, you can look forward to a truly amazing year. The yearwill be characterized by courage, strength, passion, inspiration, and determination. Expect a promotion or an important (and positive!) change in your life. Pursue your dreams and enjoy the most amazing twelve months, Virgo native!

The Unluckiest Signs

3. Aries


Jupiter forms a quadrature in Aries this year, which is one of the worst aspects when it comes to success and luck. You may find yourself feeling like all your projects are blocked and are not going anywhere. Every little step you make may lead to instability and sometimes even chaos. Make sure to take the minimum effort towards major changes. Avoid making any financial investments because scams are likely to happen this year.

2. Libra


Libra native, things are getting complicated for you this year because of the strong influence of Jupiter and Saturn who form a rough aspect in Aries. Such an aspect usually brings bad luck and imbalance. Make sure to avoid everything that is somehow connected to luck. No risky financial investments this year, Libra! Your love life will not be too sweet, especially in the second half of it. Don’t trust false promises that sound too good to be true.

1. Cancer


Unfortunately, Cancer native, your sign is the unluckiest this year, but you still can do a couple of things to make it at least bearable. Trust your inner strengths, do not make any risky financial investments, and, of course, no gambling! Jupiter will be in the opposition to Saturn, making your life more difficult when it comes to your projects. You may think that literally everyone around you is trying to put you down. Do not trust anyone until you are absolutely sure they won’t harm you.

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