Winter Lucky Numbers

Having a lucky number can come in handy in certain situations like playing the lottery or betting. Your lucky numbers can come from lots of different sources, but astrology can shine some light on what your true lucky number may be. Read on to find the luckiest numbers for your sign this winter!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Feb 09, 2022


March 21 - April 19

As brave, dynamic, and freedom-loving individuals, Aries natives don’t think they really need some luck to get things done. You do your best to achieve your goals and no obstacles can stop you. Your child-like enthusiasm never fails to push you forward – Aries natives are always chasing a goal of theirs.

However, even for such an energetic and goal-oriented sign as Aries, luck can come in handy. So, here are the lucky numbers for your sign this winter: 1, 12, 21, 34 and 39. These numbers are associated with your fiery sign and can help you win against all odds. Use your luck wisely, Aries native!


April 20 - May 20

This winter, you are likely to commit to a new creative project or idea, showing your willingness to take on more responsibilities and tasks. You may create your own start-up or just start doing something even more challenging and interesting at work, pushing your career forward. In both cases, luck will come in handy.

Your lucky numbers this winter are 11, 14, 21, and 26. These numbers are associated with strong opinions, stubbornness, and strength – everything your earthly sign is famous for. Seeing these numbers in random places means that your lucky streak starts now. Make sure to use your luck wisely, Taurean!


May 21 - June 20

Gemini native, during this winter season, fate will allow you to experience special moments in the love sphere. It doesn't matter if you are married, single, or are currently in a romantic relationship. This will be a good season to get married or start a new relationship. Meeting someone special is possible!

Your lucky numbers this winter are 11, 13, 20, 31, and 39. These numbers are associated with intelligence, curiosity, and creativity. Seeing these numbers in random places means that the universe sends some lucky vibes your way. Be attentive and use your luck wisely, Gemini native!


June 21 - July 22

This winter will bring a lot of surprises. Many will be surprised by news related to relationships and career. During these two winter months, you will need to take care of your own or your loved one's health – some minor health issues may appear. You will also be given several unique chances and opportunities.

Your lucky numbers this winter will be 6, 14, 21, 41 and 48. These numbers are associated with feelings, success, and intelligence. If you see these numbers in random places, the universe sends some luck your way. Use the luck in your career sphere and grab your chance to upgrade your current relationship!


July 23 - August 22

This winter you will have to deal with a couple of unpleasant situations that will affect your family budget. Be ready for conflicts related to your love life and expect a lot of tension in February! In January, an unexpected trip may occur. Be prepared for various delays and complications.

During the winter season, you can count on the numbers 1, 11, 26, 27 and 41 to bring you luck. These numbers are associated with confidence, leadership, and beauty. Spotting them in random places may indicate that your lucky streak is about to start. Use your luck to overcome difficult situations!


August 23 - September 22

Virgo native, this winter you will experience unexpected events with co-workers, customers, employers or business partners. Most likely, you will be unprepared for them – but your luck may help you out in most cases. Some changes in your plans can happen soon. Generally, expect more tension and conflicts this winter.

Your lucky numbers this season will be 1, 11, 24, 30 and 33. These numbers are associated with strength, power, and intuition. If you spot these numbers in random places all the time, it means the universe is urging you to use your luck. Grab your chance to succeed, Virgo native!


September 23 - October 23

You will have a lot more work and tasks this winter season, which will require you to plan in advance. Make sure to avoid delaying your plans if you don’t want to find yourself overwhelmed at one point. Some stressful events may bother you this February. You’re also likely to attend an important meeting in January.

Consider 23, 27, 28, and 43 your lucky numbers this winter. They are associated with harmony, strength, balance, and peace. Spotting these numbers in random places all the time means that your lucky streak is about to start – make sure to use your lucky days wisely, Libra native, and avoid making hasty decisions!


October 24 - November 22

Scorpio native, this winter will bring serious commitments related to household or property. They will probably have to do with repairs, moving into a new home and redecorating your home. In January, expect to be anxious about a family or material problem that you will need to solve with your relatives.

You can count on 7, 17, 18, 21, and 29 to bring you luck. These numbers are associated with mystery, success, intuition, and transformation. Spotting these numbers all the time may indicate that the universe is about to send some lucky vibes your way. Just be patient and attentive!


November 23 - December 21

Unfortunately, whether you like it or not, you will need to spend more time solving various problems in your family this winter. A lot of major decisions will be made by the end of January. Be as diplomatic as possible because your family's troubles can get worse this winter if you're not willing to compromise.

Your lucky numbers in January and February are 11, 12, 29, 36, and 39. These numbers are connected with optimism, generosity, and courage. Spotting these numbers all the time tells you that your luck is about to finally appear in your life. You can also use these numbers to try to win the lottery. Use your chance, Sagittarius!


December 22 - January 19

This winter you will receive important news related to your career. Major changes are about to happen: expect a promotion. You should also be prepared for lots of trips this winter. You will have a closer relationship with your relatives. Most likely, this will happen due to an event of particular importance in your family’s life.

Your lucky numbers this season are 2, 28, 31, 32, and 44. These numbers can bring you good news, strength, and good spirits. The strongest number here is 44. Spotting these numbers in random places means that your luck is about to get stronger. A lot of important possibilities will appear.


January 20 - February 19

This winter has some interesting surprises in store for you. They will bring you new career or business opportunities, new amazing people in your circle of friends, or even a new partner. Some additional sources of income may appear. You should also expect to receive money thanks to insurance or scholarship.

Your lucky numbers this winter are 4, 5, 11, 19, and 45. These numbers may bring you success, peace, balance, and make your intuition stronger. The strongest number here is 11: spotting 11’s all the time in random places means that you’re about to get luckier. Expect a lot of career opportunities!


February 20 - March 20

Piscean, this winter will give you a variety of concerns, mostly related to your personal or family relationships. Expect an unpleasant conflict with your loved ones in January. You should also be careful with your new acquaintances this season. Don’t share your personal information and make sure not to invade other people’s privacy.

Your lucky numbers this season are 7, 9, 11, 25, and 26. They can bring you confidence, creativity, and make you less vulnerable. The most powerful number is 11: spotting 11’s all the time in random places may mean that you’re about to feel luckier. Lots and lots of unique chances are on the way!

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