What To Do And What NOT To Do To Make Signs Fall For You

Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to make someone fall in love with you? Good news: astrology can help you. All you need to know is your crush's Zodiac. Below, you can see surefire ways to make someone develop feelings for you based on their signs!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Jun 26, 2023

If YourCrush Is Aries 

Ariespeople get bored really easily, and they're attracted to mysteriousthings, so make sure not to give them everything at once —keep some mystery. Do something different, maybe a little crazy. Ifyou're not really creative, just try to make dating energetic. Maybehave a picnic in the park and bring some exotic or interestingfoods. 

Anotherway to get to their heart is genuineness: be as honest and open asyou can. The most important thing to attract an Aries native is to beyourself. Make sure you're being real with Aries people because theylove honesty and authenticity. 

Howto make them hate you: Contradict them and disrespect them inpublic. 

IfYour Crush Is Taurus 

How to attract signs
Image source: pexels.com

Tocatch the eye of a Taurus, try to be attentive to their wants andneeds and show them that you really care. Taureans can be stubborn,but they also have a romantic and sensual side due to being ruled byVenus. If you want to win them over, it's not enough to just talkabout it; you have to show this through your actions. Once they seehow caring and affectionate you are, their walls will come down, andthey'll start to reciprocate your love and kindness. 

Anotherway to win them over is to know that Taureans value humor and gentlephysical touch. Their first impression of someone is very importantas it affects their overall view of that person. If you want to charma Taurus, try to approach conversations in a fun and playful way. 

Howto make them hate you: Take them for granted. 

By the way, are you really compatible with your Taurus? Check out this Tarot spread to find out. 

IfYour Crush Is Gemini

Ifyou want to charm a Gemini, talk to them about somethingintellectual. For example, Geminis like it when people ask them forbook recommendations. Or, if you know a lot about a specific topic,tell them about it. If a Gemini talks about their new hobby, ask themto tell you more about it. This sign enjoys showing off theirknowledge or skills. 

Youalso need to remember that Geminis are cautious about opening up. Youhave to earn their trust by demonstrating why you deserve it.However, one negative trait of Geminis is that they can be paranoid.They often become suspicious and start overthinking. 

Howto make them hate you: Interrupt them. 

IfYour Crush Is Cancer 

How to attract signs
Image source: pexels.com

Canceriansare known for being sensitive and kind-hearted. If you want toimpress them, show them your emotional side. For example, talk aboutcharities that support children, as this is something that Cancerianscare about. 

Theyalso enjoy being taken care of, so cooking them a delicious meal is agreat idea. To set the mood, keep the lights low and play romanticsongs.If you're interested in a female Cancer, ask for permission beforekissing ortouching her.If you're dating a male Cancerian, take the initiative and make thefirst move. 

Howto make them hate you: Disregard their emotions. 

Improve your relationship with your Cancerian and make it more meaningful. Try this runic reading!

IfYour Crush Is Leo

Tomake a Leo fall for you, give them your full attention. Complimentthem on everything from their fashion sense to the way they eat.Remember that they deserve the best things —the fanciest restaurantsor the best spot on your picnic blanket. 

Andone more thing… If you let your natural radiance shine through, aLeo native will find you instantly attractive. This will show themthat you're confident, which is the first thing they typically noticein a crowded room. 

Howto make them hate you: Insult them or make them doubt themselves. 

IfYour Crush Is Virgo 

How to attract signs
Image source: pexels.com

Eventhough they may appear reserved at first, Virgos have strong opinionswhen it comes to dating. As an earth sign, they're sensual and do notlike to compromise —probably because they hold themselves to high standards. To charm aVirgo, it's important to pay attention to them. They have a dreamer'sheart and will appreciate you if you ask them thoughtful questionsabout their passions, goals, and hobbies. Showing a genuine interestin them demonstrates that you're committed to yourconnection. 

Howto make them hate you: Don't appreciate what they do. 

Find out how your relationship with your Virgo will develop. What issues can you expect? See here.

IfYour Crush Is Libra 

Librais a fun-loving sign that enjoys finer things in life. Ruled byVenus, the planet of romance, Libras are known for their love ofspontaneity and their ability to play the field. For Libra natives,the most important thing is having fun and living in the moment. Toattract them, it's important to show them your easygoing nature. 

Ifthey see that you can adapt to changes easily, they'll be inspired byyour attitude. If you're willing to change your plans for them, itshows that you're open to anything. 

Howto make them hate you: Fight/argue with them or disrespect them. 

IfYour Crush Is Scorpio 

How to attract signs
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Scorpiopeople are known for using their mysterious personality to theiradvantage. It can be challenging to determine what your Scorpioactually enjoys orloves,as they tend to keep their emotions hidden. Butwhenthey finally decide to open up, Scorpios want to be sure that yourfeelings are genuine. 

Ifa Scorpio native shows interest in you, avoid playing games withtheir emotions. Be as open and honest as possible, and try to showthem that you're taking your connection seriously. 

Howto make them hate you: Force them to do something they don't want. 

IfYour Crush Is Sagittarius 

Sagsapproach life in a unique way, seeking freedom, new experiences, andadventure. They aren't interested in traditional (or boring)relationships, but they do want someone to join them on theirjourney. They don't want to stay alone forever, even though they'reso freedom-loving. 

Tocharm a Sagittarius, share your passions and dreams with them(especially if your dreams are a bit crazy). Let them know about yourhobbies and aspirations in life. They'll definitely appreciate yourambitions and will want to be a part of your life. 

Howto make them hate you: Disregard their opinions and tie them down. 

IfYour Crush Is Capricorn

How to attract signs
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Capstypically approach romance with a practical mindset, treating theirrelationships like business arrangements. That may seem… not reallyromantic, but it's essential to them that they invest their time andenergy into a potential long-term connection. 

Ifyou want to attract a Capricorn, remember that honesty is key. Shareyour values, opinions, and expectations for the relationship earlyon, and don't be afraid to tell them what you need to be happy. Capsappreciate forthrightness and will respect your honesty, which willmake it easier for them to determine if you're a good partner forthem.

Howto make them hate you: Destroy or disrespect their hard work. 

IfYour Crush Is Aquarius 

Aquariusis a unique and unpredictable sign that enjoys taking a specialapproach to romance. Typically, they have a large and diverse groupof friends that are important to their happiness, so it's notuncommon for their romantic connections to start as friendships. 

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Ifyou want an Aquarius to fall for you, make sure to be open-minded andshow them some hidden sides of your mind. Don't be afraid to be weirdor a little bit crazy with them. Start by forming a friendship, talkabout their passions or hobbies, and see where it takes you! 

Howto make them hate you: Refuse to let them express themselves. 

What will happen in your love life? How will your situation develop? Pick just one card to find out. 

IfYour Crush Is Pisces 

How to attract signs
Image source: pexels.com

Pisceansalways look for fairytale-style relationships and want their partnerto be their Prince (or Princess) Charming. Pisces natives are verysensitive and fall in love quickly, so they do well in relationshipswith other sensitive signs (such as Cancerians, for example). 

Toattract a Pisces native, show interest in their creative side bysharing your playlists, art, or other creative things with them. Evenif it feels silly, reading a love poem written for them will makeyour Pisces partner happy! 

Howto make them hate you: Act like they (or their emotions) annoy you.

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