Runes For Your Sign

Find out how your sign should use runes to explore yourself!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Aug 14, 2020

How to take the reading of your life to the next level? How to understand your qualities and give them a boost? Combining astrology with the ancient knowledge of runes can help you with that – in this short guide, you will find out which runes have a deep connection with your sign and how to use them!


Aries native, your fiery sign is connected with the runes of Fehu and Uruz. These powerful symbols are associated with Mars (your ruling planet) and Pluto. Fehu is all about being powerful and having enough energy to overcome any obstacle – and these qualities are familiar to Aries.


Fehu is also connected with luck – you can use the rune’s power to give yourself an energy boost. Your second rune, Uruz, shows untamed potential. Uruz and your sign are coupled for the strength, fire, and energy they both represent. The rune gives you the power to get things started and achieve any goal you want.


Thurisaz and Ansuz are your rune representations, Taurean. Your ruling planet, Venus, is also connected with the rune Ansuz. Thurisaz is all about having forceful energy similar to the sign’s essence. Just like Taurus, this powerful rune symbolizes instinct and sensuality. The union of this rune and your sign makes your earthy energies even stronger.


Your second rune, Ansuz, is associated with good health, inspiration, and productivity. Being closely connected with Venus, this rune can give you the creative boost you’re craving – using and feeling the energies of this rune can make it easier for you to work on your current projects.


Your sign’s runes are Raido and Kauna. They’re connected with Mercury and Chiron, the warrior you may know from the Greek mythology. The first rune of your sign, Raido, represents movement, journey, and evolution – these qualities are something Gemini is famous for as the sign who enjoys movement.


The planet Mercury is associated with your sign because both your sign and the planet have strong communicative and intellectual vibes. You’re always looking for some kind of challenges and intellectual stimulation. Kauna, your second rune, also encourages your intellectual and spiritual growth.


Gebo and Wunjo are your sign’s main runes, while the sun and moon are your celestial bodies. Gebo is the rune of generosity, gifts of various types, and sometimes even sacrifice. The rune is about giving something to someone else, including emotions and experiences. Gebo also symbolizes personal relationships.


Your second rune, Wunjo, is all about joy, comfort, vitality, care, bonding, and prosperity. These are traits your sign cares a lot about. Cancer gets a lot of energetic support from this powerful rune because Wunjo is associated with receiving a meaningful spiritual reward through caring emotions.


Hagalaz and Nauthiz are your sign’s main runes; their connection with the sun and moon is very strong. Hagalaz, your first rune, is connected with the destructive forces we can often see in nature. This rune is associated with testing yourself and your abilities, trial, and spiritual completion that is attained after a struggle.


Your second rune, Nauthiz, is associated with resistance and acquiring strength through tension. This connection is consistent with the challenges Leo natives often face in life. Nauthiz makes you strong and brave enough to change, innovate, and maybe even survive. The rune gives you strength in trying times.


Isaz and Jera are the main runes of your sign, Virgo. Your first rune, Isa, is associated with pausing and looking for answers. The rune is all about seeking clarity and trying to understand what is going on. Just like the rune, your sign is connected with critical perceptions, intelligence, wit, detailed thinking, and growth.


Jera is the rune of harvest, thinking, analyzing, and peace. With Jera's supportive energy, your sign can acquire harmony and patience. The rune is close to your sign’s essence: Virgo makes progress through attention to every single detail. The rune’s vibes are all about tending your garden to its fruiting season.


Perthro and Ehwaz are your sign’s main runes, Libra. These runes are connected with Venus, one of the most powerful planets. Your second rune, Ehwaz, is associated with honesty, persistence, and bravery. It is an encouraging rune that gives you the strength to continue the fight to achieve harmony and balance.


Perthro is all about feminine energy – the rune is symbolic of everything female. Perthro also has a deep connection to history, knowledge, and traditions. This powerful rune can help you create harmony, balance, and a comforting atmosphere at home; it is also useful when you need to feel support.


Your sign’s main runes are Algiz and Sowilo, Scorpio native. These runes are connected with two powerful celestial bodies: Mars and Pluto. Your first rune is all about a protective, warding energy that creates a shield around you. It is also a channel that creates a strong connection between you and your spiritual world.


Your second rune, Sowilo is associated with success, victory, and triumph. This is a supportive rune that can help you achieve your goals – your sign can benefit in this runic connection as Scorpios are often focused on making their dreams come true. The rune lends further support to Scorpios for their undertakings.


Sag, your sign’s main runes are Berkan and Tiwaz; your planets are Jupiter and Neptune. Your second main rune, Tiwaz, teaches you to be yourself, be thoughtful and rational. The rune’s powerful energy gives you the possibility to explore the world and understand your spiritual self better.


Your sign is a traveler; you want to explore new places, meet new people, think about new things and concepts, and learn something new. Berkan is the rune of birth and renewal, and its energy works well with your sign’s strong desire to transform, change, learn, and explore new things.


Your main runes are Ehwaz and Mannaz. These strong runes are also associated with Uranus and Saturn. Ehwaz, your first rune, sends some supportive vibes your way as the rune carries the potent energy of deliberate growth. Capricorn focuses on achieving their goals, so the energy of the rune works well with your sign.


Mannaz and Capricorn both value order and harmony above all things. Following the defined rules and forming some boundaries is crucial for your sign. Mannaz’s energy is similar to that of your sign: it is inclined towards maintaining existing rules and order. The rune is all about traditions.


Laguz and Inguz are the main runes for the sign of Aquarius; they’re connected with Uranus and Saturn who are listed among the strongest celestial bodies. Laguz urges your sign to stay open-minded and ready to explore new things no matter what happens. The rune is also connected with spiritual growth.


The rune Ingwaz symbolizes the right time to respite and recharge. Inguz' energy is all about harmony, peace, and sometimes undying love between romantic partners. The rune also symbolizes completion and your ability to achieve what you want to achieve; it gives a secure and safe home.


Othala and Dagaz are the main runes of your sign, Piscean. Othala represents inheritances of all types, so it’s obvious that its energy corresponds with your sign’s theme of spiritual inheritance. This rune gives its strong protective energy to your sign, encouraging all kinds of spiritual journeys and transformations.


Dagaz, your second rune, symbolizes change brought about by your own will, not some outside forces. The rune’s energy is about clarity and awakened consciousness. Your sign focuses on the astrological quest for the ideal – and this theme is also a huge part of this rune’s essence and energy.

If you want to continue exploring your personality, click here to get your Soul Profile astrology report based on your date of birth!

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