How to Use Tarot to Attract Love

Are you facing challenges in your love life? Do you need help with some crucial decisions? Look no further – see how our quick and simple online and offline readings help you get vital answers!

By Nataly Porter

Published: Apr 06, 2023

How to bring love into your life with the help of Tarot?

While the Tarot cards cannot magically make someone fall in love with you, they can offer insight and guidance on opening yourself up to love and attracting a healthy relationship. In this article, I'll share some tips on how to use Tarot to attract love and provide examples of Tarot spreads that can help you on your journey.

Before we dive into Tarot spreads, it's important to remember that the Tarot is not a substitute for taking action in your love life. The cards can offer guidance and clarity, but ultimately, it's up to you to make changes and take steps toward attracting love. So first, let's get acquainted with the major principles you should keep in mind when using Tarot as guidance in your love life.

Keep an open mind

How to Use Tarot to Attract Love
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When seeking guidance about finding love, it's not uncommon for the Tarot to provide insights that seem unrelated to love. For example, when I asked the Tarot how to find love, it advised me to focus on my health and go into retreat, which seemed counterintuitive. However, I followed the advice and volunteered at a meditation center, where I met my soulmate. The point is that everything in your life is interconnected, and you should be open-minded when your Tarot spread provides seemingly irrelevant insights. The journey to finding love may require some creative maneuvering, but it can teach you a lot about yourself. For quick and easy access to our Tarot-based answers about any sphere of your life, please click here

Suggested Tarot question: What area of my life do I need to align to support my search for love?

Ask questions that center around yourself

Your Tarot reading is about you and your feelings, not someone else's. Focusing on whether someone likes you is a waste of your time and money. Instead, ask how you can progress with a potential love interest or attract a soulmate. Remember that the Tarot empowers you to do what's best. Attraction needs action, and focusing on other people's thoughts is often a result of fear of rejection or feeling powerless. Center yourself in your reading, and you'll receive actionable insights that put you in the driver's seat of your love life.

Suggested Tarot question: How can I attract authentic love into my life?

Focus on feeling rather than form

How to Use Tarot to Attract Love
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The reason why we seek relationships is to feel good about ourselves, life, and the future. However, you don't need a relationship to start feeling that way. Embark on a spiritual journey for love by focusing on how you want a relationship to make you feel and taking action to experience those feelings now. For instance, if physical intimacy makes you feel safe, hug yourself in the mornings or take a luxurious bath to relax. To get more thoughtful insights about your future and yourself, click here

Suggested Tarot question: How can I cultivate gratitude and positive feelings in my life?

Acknowledge your pain and commit to healing yourself

Acknowledging your shadow self, which consists of the parts of yourself you feel ashamed of or repressed, is a significant part of finding love. In a Tarot reading, exploring your insecurities, fears, and past experiences of rejection can be healing. Acknowledging them weakens them and opens you up to more authentic and loving relationships. Seek professional guidance if necessary. I spent time exploring my relationship with my father using the Tarot cards, which helped me see how I had spent many years seeking approval where I would never get it. Once I acknowledged this, I could imagine finding someone to accept and love me for who I am, my flaws, and all. This kind of work takes time, but it's worth it. Remember, the Tarot can be a powerful tool for self-discovery, but it can only take you so far. To truly heal and grow, it's important also to seek out professional help when needed.

Suggested Tarot question: What limiting beliefs or past experiences are blocking me from finding true love, and how can I work to heal and release them?

Allow yourself to love yourself

How to Use Tarot to Attract Love
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Oftentimes, we look for validation and love from a romantic partner, believing that it is the only way to feel deserving of love. But what if we change that perspective and take control of our own worthiness? It was a life-changing moment for me when I realized that I have the power to love myself and give myself the love and attention that I thought I needed from someone else. It took practice, but once I started doing it, I created space in my life for others to love me as well. When you love yourself, people can sense it and respond accordingly. Also, loving yourself will enhance your ability to connect and support others. It may seem like a simple concept, but it can be challenging to achieve in a world that profits from our insecurities and self-doubt. Learning to love yourself is the most radical thing you can do, and it can significantly speed up your journey toward finding a soulmate. Tarot can help you discover how to love yourself, and asking questions about self-love and self-care are among the most valuable inquiries you can ask the cards.

With that in mind, let's explore some Tarot spreads that can help you on your journey.

1. The Love Potential Spread

This spread can help you gain insight into your current love life and identify any blocks preventing you from attracting a healthy relationship. Here's how to do it:

  • Shuffle your deck and think about your love life.
  • Cut the deck into three piles and choose the pile that resonates with you.
  • Lay out three cards in a row.
  • Card 1: What you're bringing to a potential relationship.
  • Card 2: What the potential partner is bringing to the relationship.
  • Card 3: The energy between you and the potential partner.

For a more thorough analysis of your life and tips on how to cope with the challenges you're facing, click here

2. The Relationship Spread

How to Use Tarot to Attract Love
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This spread can help you gain insight into your current or potential relationship. Here's how to do it:

  • Shuffle your deck and focus on your relationship.
  • Cut the deck into three piles and choose the pile that resonates with you.
  • Lay out four cards in a row.
  • Card 1: The current state of the relationship.
  • Card 2: What you need to know about the relationship.
  • Card 3: What your partner needs to know about the relationship.
  • Card 4: The potential outcome of the relationship.

3. The Soulmate Spread

This spread can help you gain insight into finding your soulmate. Here's how to do it:

  • Shuffle your deck and focus on finding your soulmate.
  • Cut the deck into three piles and choose the pile that resonates with you.
  • Lay out six cards in a row.
  • Cards 1-3: What you need to know about yourself to attract your soulmate.
  • Cards 4-6: What your soulmate needs to know about themselves to attract you.

4. The Relationship Harmony Spread

This spread can help you identify any conflict areas in your relationship and offer guidance on creating more harmony. If you haven't got a Tarot deck but need a quick reading, get it hereHere's how to do the spread with real cards:

  • Shuffle your deck and focus on your relationship.
  • Cut the deck into three piles and choose the pile that resonates with you.
  • Lay out six cards in a circle.
  • Card 1: The root cause of any conflict in your relationship.
  • Card 2: What you can do to create more harmony.
  • Card 3: What your partner can do to create more harmony.
  • Card 4: The potential outcome if you both work towards harmony.
  • Card 5: Any external influences that may be impacting your relationship.
  • Card 6: The overall energy of your relationship.

5. The Infidelity Check Spread

How to Use Tarot to Attract Love
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This spread can help you understand whether your partner is faithful to you. Here's how to do it:

  • Shuffle your deck and focus on your partner's behavior.
  • Cut the deck into three piles and choose the pile that resonates with you.
  • Lay out four cards in a row.
  • Card 1: Your partner's current behavior.
  • Card 2: What may be motivating your partner's behavior.
  • Card 3: What you need to know about the situation.
  • Card 4: The potential outcome of the situation.

6. The Ex-Partner Closure Spread

This spread can help you gain closure and insight into a past relationship. Here's how to do it:

  • Shuffle your deck and focus on your past relationship.
  • Cut the deck into three piles and select the pile that resonates with you.
  • Lay out five cards in a row.
  • Card 1: What you need to let go of in the past relationship.
  • Card 2: What you learned from the past relationship.
  • Card 3: How you can heal from the past relationship.
  • Card 4: What you need to do to move forward.
  • Card 5: The potential outcome of moving forward.

Not to spend extra money and time on purchasing a Tarot deck and trying these spreads, try our simple Tarot app and get your reading within a couple of minutes.

I hope these spreads and techniques can provide insight and guidance for your love life. Remember, Tarot is a tool for self-reflection and guidance; ultimately, it's up to you to take action and make changes in your life.

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