Funny Horoscope

April Fools’ Day is that special time of the year when you can pull the most outrageous pranks without getting punched! Or so they say. Sometimes, getting punched is unavoidable, especially if you prank a Virgo. So, how does every sign react to this wonderful, wonderful day? Read on to explore your funny side!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Mar 31, 2021

Funny Horoscope for All Zodiac signs


March 21 - April 19

If an Aries makes a decision, they will stand their ground. They won’t admit they’re wrong. Never. Even if they end up homeless and living in a refrigerator box, they’ll tell you that everything is going according to the plan! They’re NOT wrong. They did NOT make the wrong decision. They did NOT.

Funny horoscope for Aries

How do they react to April Fools’ Day? They will do their best to avoid pranks but, alas, to no avail – they will believe in anything you tell them. They are probably the easiest target but be ready for circumstances, such as: a fit of rage, a tantrum, a bad case of terrible mood, and maybe even some tears!


April 20 - May 20

The mood of a Taurus is always swinging up to down – one moment they are smiling at you, the other they shoot you in the knee (ouch). They are big fans of psychoanalysis and love practicing it on their friends and giving them advice but have no slightest idea how to apply it to their own lives.

How do they react to April Fools’ pranks? Tricking a Taurus is not the funniest thing. They will need some time to think about what is actually going on and where exactly the joke is. Their reaction to your prank will not be as fast and funny as you expect it to be because Taureans are just too serious about what you tell them.


May 21 - June 20

Funny horoscope for Gemini

Gemini is the aesthete of the Zodiac, the mixture of Michelangelo and Socrates… or so they think. They are outgoing, charming, intelligent, progressive, overbearing, and in general, very nice to deal with – if you ignore their schizophrenic tendencies. They’re just like Aquarius but slightly more paranoid.

How do they react to April Fools’ pranks? They’re nice and sociable and will be glad to be a part of your trick and when they find out what is actually going on, they will laugh with you. But beware: they are great joke masters themselves and more than likely to pull a fun prank on you in return!


June 21 - July 22

Cancers are a paradox. They like being everybody’s savior but hate interacting with people. Some Cancerians go further in their hate of social interaction and just start hating people. They also have an interesting sense of fashion – they only get dressed because they absolutely have to (damn those social norms!)

How do they react to April Fools’ pranks? They are sensitive, which means that they gladly pull a prank on someone else but lose their sh… temper if you try to trick them. Cancerians just can’t laugh at themselves. Your jokes must be very kind, otherwise, they will take a personal offense and take you to court.


July 23 - August 22

Funny horoscope for Leo

Leos love attention. In fact, they love attention so much, they will do literally anything to achieve it, including self-immolation. Shock value is something they desperately crave. They love talking and giving advice and may barricade the exit if someone tries to escape before Leos finish their speech.

This is how these attention-loving folks react to April Fools’ pranks: just like Cancerians, they love pulling jokes on someone else but not on themselves. Laughing at themselves is a no-no for them – and it should be a no-no for you as well if you don’t want to lose your Leo’s friendship and be brutally killed.


August 23 - September 22

Leos love attention. In fact, they love attention so much, they will do literally anything to achieve it, including self-immolation. Shock value is something they desperately crave. They love talking and giving advice and may barricade the exit if someone tries to escape before Leos finish their speech.

This is how these attention-loving folks react to April Fools’ pranks: just like Cancerians, they love pulling jokes on someone else but not on themselves. Laughing at themselves is a no-no for them – and it should be a no-no for you as well if you don’t want to lose your Leo’s friendship and be brutally killed.


September 23 - October 23

Funny horoscope for Libra

Libras are elegant, intelligent, tasteful, and educated. Sometimes it’s almost nauseating. Sometimes it’s totally nauseating without any almosts. The way they dress is interesting to say the least: in fact, they are the reason why old, long-forgotten fashion trends come back – they never get rid of their old clothes.

And this is how these folks react to April Fools’ pranks: surprisingly, they are your perfect target because they perceive kind and cute jokes easily. But don’t dare to make fun of their appearance if you don’t want to get a new mortal enemy who’s ready to do literally anything to take their revenge.


October 24 - November 22

Scorpios are special. They like giving advice even if they don’t really know anything about the matter. They are mysterious and love mysterious things: like UFOs and government conspiracies. The biggest tragedy of their lives is that they’ve never been abducted by aliens. Or they have but don’t remember it in detail.

How do Scorpios react to April Fools’ pranks? They are literally the worst people to make fun of. Just don’t do it unless you want to turn your life into torture. They won’t laugh at themselves and they’ll make sure that others don’t laugh at them, either. No pranks allowed when you’re around a Scorpio!


November 23 - December 21

Funny horoscope for Sagittarius

Sags are always ready to go on an adventure. They are the kind of people who can kill a spider with bare hands or open an ominous-looking wardrobe in the middle of the night when the lights are out. They detest easy ways. If you can do something in the most difficult way possible, they’re in.

How do Sagittarians react to April Fools’ pranks? They are kind and cheerful and can be called true optimists. They will react well to any pranks, they love laughing at themselves, so let your imagination run wild. No matter how funny your prank is, they will laugh with you and praise you for trying.


December 22 - January 19

Capricorns can survive anything, even a nuclear war or a zombie apocalypse, and do it in the dullest way possible. They’re an odd mixture of Virgo and Leo – their delusions of grandeur are somewhat boring. Capricorns like pretending to talk on the cellphone, but no one actually ever calls them.

When it comes to April Fools’ pranks, Capricorns are probably not the best target. Some of them can be witty, but most Caps don’t understand the purpose of humor at all. Their reaction to your prank may disappoint you: be ready for some “Eh, okay” or even a confused look. Don’t joke with Caps.


January 20 - February 19

Funny horoscope for Aquarius

Aquarius folks are extraterrestrial. They regularly have out-of-body experiences and know everything about space. They are astronomically savvy and can answer any question on the topic. Ask them what the weather is like on Titan, and they’ll give you a detailed and suspiciously emotional answer.

When it comes to April Fools’ pranks, they are the best target of any prankster. They love jokes and tricks, no matter how dumb these jokes are. They know how to laugh at themselves and will react to your pranks with laughter and a loud “Cool!” Pulling a prank on Aquarius natives is a true pleasure!


February 20 - March 20

Pisceans claim to be good at accepting critique but often start threatening to commit suicide as soon as they hear something at least distantly resembling criticism. They bring comedy with themselves but in fact, they’re not trying to be funny. Arguing with them means lots of fallacies, tears, and quotes from French poets.

When it comes to April Fools’ pranks, Pisceans is the worst target imaginable. Pulling a prank on them, no matter how kind and cute your prank is, will give you no pleasure – only disappointment and regrets. Laughing at them feels like laughing at a small innocent child. Just don’t do this to them. Seriously.

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