Celtic Zodiac Signs

Learn everything about the Celtic astrology right now! Find out what your Tree sign is! Learn about your spirit animals and their symbolism! The dates of birth of the Celtic Zodiac don’t correspond with the dates of birth of the Western astrology, so be attentive when looking for your sign!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Apr 07, 2021

Celtic signs that correspond to classic zodiac signs


March 21 - April 19

Those who were born from March 20 to April 14 belong to the Alder Tree sign of the Celtic Zodiac. The natives of this sign of the Celtic Zodiac are renowned for their fearlessness. They tend to be stubborn and if something doesn’t go their way they know how to change things in their favor. The natives are very mobile and passionate. Their energy is enough for them to be passionate about lots of things at the same time.

Celtic astrology for Aries

Those born from April 15 to April 20 belong to the Willow Tree sign of the Celtic Zodiac. The vivid imagination is the most prominent feature of the natives of this sign. They tend to be creative. A lot of this sign’s natives are poets or writers. Usually, from the very childhood, they tend to make up stories and to daydream. They are also very intuitive. Their sixth sense helps them a lot in their lives. 

According to Celtic animal zodiac, the animals connected with those born during the first period are the bear, the fox, and the hawk. The hawk symbolizes the natives’ alertness to any sudden change. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the adder, the hare, and the sea serpent. The sea serpent symbolizes psychological growth, regeneration, and healing.


April 20 - May 20

As Celtic astrology says, those who were born from April 20 to May 12 belong to the Willow Tree sign. Their imagination tends to be very vivid. The natives of this sign are artistic: many of them become writers, poets, and artists. Usually, their abilities to create appear from the very childhood. They often paint, make up stories, and daydream as kids. Their intuition is also very strong.

Those who were born from May 13 to May 21 belong to the Hawthorn Tree sign. The natives of this Tree sign tend to be patient and thoughtful. Sometimes it is hard for them to stop their inner monologue. They tend to over-analyze things: it’s not easy for them to relax and loosen control. The natives of this sign are good listeners and always very attentive to the needs of their surroundings.

As Celtic animal zodiac says, the animals connected with those born during the first period are the adder, the hare, and the sea serpent. The serpent symbolizes the ability to heal. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the bee, the fox, and the owl. The fox symbolizes the shrewdness of this sign’s natives.


May 21 - June 20

According to Celtic astrology, those who were born from May 21 to June 9 belong to the Hawthorn Tree sign. The natives of this sign of the Celtic Zodiac are usually interested in spirituality. Their tendency to over-analyze issues they have to face sometimes makes life difficult for them. They also tend to be good listeners and are always helpful. 

Celtic astrology for Gemini

Those who were born from June 10 to June 21 belong to the Oak Tree sign. It is typical of the natives of this Tree sign to be reliable and trustworthy people. They are renowned for their strength of character. They tend to protect those who can’t protect themselves. The natives of the sign are generous and helpful. They have a deep respect for traditions and sometimes tend to be a bit too conservative.

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the bee, the fox, and the owl. The fox is the symbol of intelligence. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the otter, the wren, and the white horse. The white horse is the symbol of purity, protection, spirituality, and freedom.


June 21 - July 22

Those who were born from June 21 to July 7 belong to the Oak Tree sign. The natives of the sign are renowned for their honesty. They tend to be reliable and loyal friends. The strength of their character is remarkable. They are helpful and always protect those who can’t protect themselves. Traditions are very important to the natives of the sign. It is difficult for them to change things radically.

Those who were born from July 8 to July 23 belong to the Holly Tree sign. The natives of the sign are renowned to be natural leaders. It is easy for them to overcome any obstacle they have to face. They always come up with a clever idea when it’s needed to solve an issue. They don’t admit defeat too easily. That is why many people don’t mind following them as their leader. 

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the otter, the wren, and the white horse. The white horse represents spirituality and freedom. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the cat and the unicorn. The unicorn represents the balance of elements and harmony of light and dark.


July 23 - August 22

Those who were born from July 23 to August 4 belong to the Holly Tree sign. The natives of this Tree sign are usually good leaders and fighters. Overcoming an obstacle to success is the easiest thing for them. They are creative and always quick to come up with an idea that solves an issue they face immediately.

Celtic astrology for Leo

Those who were born from August 5 to August 23 belong to the Hazel Tree sign. The natives of this sign are renowned for their intelligence, maturity, and efficiency. They tend to be very organized. They are usually gifted and quick learners. Their memory is surprisingly good, probably the best of all signs. It is easy for some of the natives to recite long poems by heart: this ability to memorize helps them in life a lot. 

The Celtic animals connected with those born during the first period are the cat and the unicorn. The unicorn symbolizes the harmony of good and evil. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the crane and the rainbow salmon. The salmon symbolizes a deep understanding of life.


August 23 - September 22

Those who were born from August 23 to September 1 belong to the Hazel Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be mature and intelligent. It is easy for them to learn new things due to their natural intelligence and good memory. Some of the natives of this sign are extremely good at math.

Those who were born from September 2 to September 23 belong to the Vine Tree sign. The natives of this Celtic Zodiac sign tend to be sincere and open: they rarely suppress their feelings. It is easy to understand what they are thinking about just by looking at their faces. The natives sometimes tend to be indecisive. The reason for it is their ability to understand and sympathize with each side of a conflict. 

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the crane and the rainbow salmon. The salmon represents wisdom. The animals connected with those born during the second period, as Celtic animal zodiac informs, are the lizard, the hound, and the white swan. The white swan is renowned for its inner strength, longevity, and loyalty. It also represents the ability to re-establish things with ease.


September 23 - October 23

In Celtic zodiac signs, those who were born from September 23 to September 29 belong to the Vine Tree sign. For the natives of the sign, it is not easy to hide their feelings. They tend to share them with their friends and loved ones. Sometimes, it’s difficult for the natives to make up their mind. They spend much time analyzing both sides of a conflict. 

Celtic astrology for Libra

Those who were born from September 30 to October 23 belong to the Ivy Tree sign. The most prominent feature of the natives of this Tree sign is their willpower. Their ability to overcome all odds often surprise their surroundings. They tend to be compassionate and loyal. They always want to be helpful to their loved ones. The natives of the signs also tend to be interested in spiritual matters.

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the lizard, the hound, and the white swan. The white swan is associated with loyalty and strength. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the boar, the goose, and the butterfly. The butterfly represents this sign’s natives’ ability to be very socially active. It’s easy for them to have small talks with strangers and meet new people.


October 24 - November 22

Celtic astrology states that those who were born from October 23 to October 27 belong to the Ivy Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to have strong willpower. They won’t admit their defeat no matter what happens to them. They tend to be very loyal friends who are always ready to help others. They tend to be interested in philosophy and spirituality. 

Those who were born from October 28 to November 22 belong to the Reed Tree sign. The natives of this sign tend to be sophisticated, spiritual, and open-minded. They always welcome new experiences. They are also renowned for their ability to find the core of the matter. They are shrewd and easily see the real meaning of things. Their capability to convince people around them is impressive: sometimes they even use it to manipulate their surroundings. 

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the boar, the goose, and the butterfly. The butterfly symbolizes the natives’ ability to make new friends easily. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the white hound and the owl. The hound represents loyalty and the ability to see far.


November 23 - December 21

Those who were born from November 22 to November 24 belong to the Reed Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be interested in the spiritual matters. They are open-minded and always ready for a new experience. They tend to be shrewd and easily see the core of the matter. It is also extremely easy for them to convince people.

Celtic astrology for Sagittarius

Those who were born from November 25 to December 22 belong to the Elder Tree sign. This sign of the Celtic Zodiac is associated with wisdom and, paradoxically, love for adventures. The natives sometimes seem to be a bit wild and unpredictable to the natives of other signs of the Zodiac. At the same time, they are thoughtful in nature and analyze every possibility they see with care. 

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the white hound and the owl. The hound is associated with loyalty and cleverness. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the badger, the black horse, and the raven. The black horse represents the sign’s endurance – both physical and mental – and strength.


December 22 - January 19

Those who were born from December 22 to December 23 belong to the Elder Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be wise, clever, and thoughtful. They analyze the issues they face from different perspectives and usually make the right decision. At the same time, they tend to be adventurous and eager to take risks.

Those who were born from December 24 to January 20 belong to the Birch Tree sign. It is typical of the natives of this sign to be somewhat innovative and have an unusual outlook on things around them. They know how to motivate other people to do something challenging or even heroic. It is easy for people born under the influence of Birch to become leaders. They tend to reach for more. 

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the badger, the black horse, and the raven. The black horse symbolizes strength and wisdom. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the golden eagle and the white stag. The white stag symbolizes the sign’s intelligence and swiftness. This animal is very aware of whatever is happening around it.


January 20 - February 19

According to Celtic zodiac signs, those who were born on January 20 belong to the Birch Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be innovative and creative. It is easy for them to motivate their surroundings to do something challenging. Celtic astrology says that the natives of the sign are natural leaders. They are not afraid of the obstacles they have to face. 

Those who were born from January 21 to February 17 belong to the Rowan Tree sign. People born under the influence of this tree are renowned as thinkers and philosophers. They like to think every little thing through and analyze every turn of events from different points of view. They rarely rush things. Sometimes they spend too much time to make up their mind. They also tend to be creative. 

The animals connected with those born during the first period are the golden eagle and the white stag. The white stag represents intelligence and the ability to decide fast. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the crane and the green dragon. The green dragon is the symbol of spiritual growth, according to the Celts. Dragons are able to see far: this ability helps the natives of this Celtic sign spot the issue immediately and solve it.


February 20 - March 20

Those who were born from February 18 to March 17 belong to the Ash Tree sign. In the Celtic Zodiac, the Ash tree symbolizes peace and solitude in a good sense. The natives of this sign are usually comfortable with being alone. But they don’t mind meeting new people and chatting about trivial matters, too, - their willing to be alone and their love for social activities live in perfect harmony. 

Those who were born from March 18 to March 20 belong to the Alder Tree sign. The natives of the sign tend to be courageous and often stubborn. It is not easy to convince them that they are wrong and, if they face an obstacle, they will do anything to overcome it. They also tend to be very energetic and passionate.The animals connected with those born during the first period are the seahorse, the seagull, and the seal. The seahorse symbolizes the flexibility of mind. The animals connected with those born during the second period are the bear, the fox, and the hawk. The hawk represents cleverness and the ability to adapt to changes.

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