4 Zodiac Signs Who Always Need To Be In A Relationship

Some zodiac signs just can't stand being single! Whether it’s the thrill of love or the fear of loneliness, these four signs are always on the hunt for their next relationship fix. Are you one of them? Let’s find out who’s never without a partner!

By Eugenia Stern

Published: Oct 03, 2024


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When it comes to relationships, no one embodies the concept of partnership quite like a Libra. As the sign ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty, Libras are naturally drawn to the idea of romance, connection, and harmony. For a Libra, being in a relationship isn’t just a preference—it’s practically a way of life. They crave balance in everything they do, and that sense of equilibrium is most easily achieved when they’re paired up with someone special.

Libras are the type who will happily spend hours daydreaming about love—the perfect partner, the most charming dates, and those romantic moments that feel straight out of a movie. Being single? That feels more like a waiting room to them, a space they’re just passing through until they find the person who brings balance to their world. Independence is fine, but a Libra will always feel a little off-kilter when they don’t have someone by their side to share life’s adventures, big and small.

And it’s not just about having a partner to fill space; Libras truly value connection. They thrive on the give-and-take of a relationship, where they can pour their energy into making someone else happy. Plus, they’re notorious for their charming, people-pleasing nature, and being in love allows them to showcase that romantic side in all its glory. Whether it’s planning thoughtful surprises or creating an atmosphere of peace and affection, a Libra shines brightest when they’re in love.

But here's the catch—Libras can sometimes fall in love with the idea of a relationship as much as the person they’re with. They’ll bend over backward to avoid conflict, and sometimes this means staying in relationships longer than they should, all in the name of keeping the peace. They want everything to be perfect, but real life doesn’t always offer that fairy-tale ending they’re hoping for.

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If there’s one thing Taurus values in life, it’s stability—and that applies double when it comes to relationships. This earth sign, ruled by Venus (yes, just like Libra!), is all about comfort, loyalty, and building a strong foundation with someone special. For Taurus, being single isn’t ideal, because deep down, they crave the security that comes from being in a committed relationship. They’re not the type to jump from fling to fling; when a Taurus falls in love, they’re in it for the long haul.

Taurus is the sign that will patiently wait for the right person to come along, but once they’ve found them, they’re all in. They’re the ultimate partner when it comes to devotion and care, and their love language often involves grand gestures like cooking a delicious meal, planning a cozy night in, or simply offering a shoulder to lean on after a tough day. For them, showing love is about creating a space where both partners can feel safe, cherished, and completely at ease.

But here’s the thing about Taurus—they’re not just looking for any relationship. It’s not about having someone just for the sake of it. For them, it’s all about quality over quantity. They want a deep, lasting connection with someone they can truly build a future with. Taurus tends to be cautious in love, preferring to take things slow and steady, making sure the foundation is rock-solid before moving forward. They’re not interested in whirlwind romances that fizzle out as quickly as they start; they want the real deal.

However, this need for security can sometimes lead Taurus to stay in relationships longer than they should. Once they’ve committed, they’ll stick it out through thick and thin, even if the relationship has lost its spark. They hate change, so the idea of starting over can feel more daunting than staying in something that’s no longer working. It’s all about comfort for Taurus, and they’ll go to great lengths to preserve the life they’ve built with someone, even if it’s not perfect.

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When it comes to love, Pisces is the ultimate dreamer. This water sign is all about emotions, fantasy, and deep connections. For a Pisces, being in a relationship is more than just a status—it’s a chance to experience love in its most magical, otherworldly form. They aren’t afraid to dive headfirst into romance, always searching for that deep emotional bond that makes them feel like they’ve found their soulmate. Simply put, Pisces lives for love.

Pisces has an almost ethereal way of viewing relationships. They see love as a way to escape the harshness of reality, often drifting into daydreams about what their ideal partnership looks like. If you’re a Pisces, you know that feeling—where you’re so wrapped up in the emotions of love that everything else seems to fade away. That’s because, for Pisces, love isn’t just about companionship; it’s about finding someone who understands the depths of their heart and soul.

But here’s the thing—because Pisces feels things so deeply, being single can feel a little too lonely for their liking. They long for that person who can share their emotional world, someone who gets them on a spiritual level. Pisces doesn’t just want a casual fling; they want a connection that feels like it was written in the stars. So, it’s no surprise that they’re often in a relationship (or looking for one) because that’s where they feel most fulfilled.

However, Pisces’ intense desire for love can sometimes lead them into tricky situations. They tend to see the best in people—even when it’s not there—and can fall for the idea of someone rather than who that person really is. This can lead to disappointment, but even then, Pisces will hold on, hoping things will magically work out. Their romantic heart doesn’t want to give up, even when it’s clear the relationship isn’t what they dreamed it would be.

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Leo is the sign of the lion, and when it comes to love, they want a relationship that roars with passion and excitement! Leos are bold, confident, and magnetic—they love being the center of attention, and that includes their love life. For Leo, a relationship is more than just a connection; it’s a stage where they can shine, and they want a partner who will celebrate them like the star they know they are.

If you’re a Leo, you know the feeling: you thrive when you’re admired, adored, and appreciated. Love, for you, is all about passion, grand gestures, and constant excitement. Whether it’s spontaneous adventures or being showered with affection, Leo wants a relationship that keeps the fire burning bright. You won’t settle for a boring romance—you need a partner who keeps up with your energy and isn’t afraid to let you take the spotlight.

But here’s where it gets tricky: Leos have a deep need for validation, and being single can feel like a dimmed spotlight. Without that steady stream of attention from a partner, a Leo might start feeling restless. This sign thrives in relationships where they can be seen, appreciated, and adored for who they are. Leo doesn’t just want love—they want the grand kind of love, the type that makes them feel like royalty.

That said, Leo’s need for admiration can sometimes make them seek out relationships for the wrong reasons. They love to be adored, but it’s important for them to find a partner who appreciates them genuinely, not just superficially. And while Leos are natural givers in love, they also need to be cautious about becoming too focused on themselves. A great relationship for Leo is one where both partners feel like they’re getting their time in the spotlight.

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