Please enjoy, and don't take your principles to heart – they are just for fun!
- Don't tell me what to do—I'll do the exact opposite.
- Sleep interferes with brainwork.
- Nothing should take too long.
- Don't ask me to open up to you. We only met four years ago.
- Always view the world with a sense of wonder.
- If you have an ugly side to your personality, it ruins your overall beauty.
- Going from total bliss to an I-want-to-punch-everyone attitude sometimes takes 2 seconds.
- The key to failure is trying to please everybody.
- Multitasking rules! *freaks out and chills simultaneously.
- You won't change my mind, I'll change yours.
Explore your future and find out what to expect. Soon, your life may change!
- Family always comes first.
- Wanna make me feel loved? Cook something delicious!
- You are either on my side or out of my life.
- Never delete screenshots.
- Don't think I'm selfish. I'm just stating my opinion.
- Curiosity killed a cat, but I'm not a cat.
- My standards are high, and my middle finger – even higher.
- No rules are as good as the ones I make.
- If it doesn't make sense, I'm not doing it.
- I don't need your help figuring it out. I'll freak out first, though.
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- I speak faster than I think.
- I can't live without you, but I'll never admit that.
- "I don't remember" in Gemini means "I don't want to discuss it."
- Happiness is my ultimate goal.
- A couple of seconds is enough to get disappointed in someone forever.
- I'd like to thank everyone who came into my life and made it better. Also, those who made it even better by staying out of it.
- One rose could be a garden. One person could be your whole life.
- Losing the ability to make jokes is the worst.
- Nobody is allowed to touch my things or invade my privacy!
- Actions speak louder than words.
- No, I'm not offended, we're cool. *Plans elaborate revenge even when asleep.
- I have 99 problems, but I can't remember any of them.
- My glass is often half-empty.
- My family can't do a thing without me!
- Oh, the good old days…
- I might look shy, but I won't hesitate to say everything to your face.
- Am I lonely? Very. Have I alienated everyone? Yes, I have.
- Don't you ever call me a whiner!
- Oh, let's not talk about me. What have YOU been up to?
- This conversation has worn me out. In fact, any conversation does that.
- Narcissistic or suffering from low self-esteem? Only I am allowed to know.
- Don't try to butter me up. I have a nose for flattery.
- You can lie to me, but be sure I'll lie back to you.
- I do not get attached to people. *Falls for kindness, obsesses, plans a wedding.
- I might look tough, but I'm really a softy.
- Don't worry, I've already forgotten about that (not really).
- Love this song! Will listen to it on repeat until I hate it.
- I told you this would happen.
- Will you hug me?
- Will I regret saying that? I sure will. Will I still say it? Heck yes!
- My house is only clean if it's me who does the cleaning. But thanks a lot for not helping me. Again.
- That doesn't look clean.
- You have 2 to 3 business days to win me over. Then I'll get bored and move on.
- Pick up calls? No, thank you. I don't even text back.
- I am a professional overthinker. Even when asleep, I keep overthinking problems in my dreams.
- Love this song! I've listened to it 14,258,452 times already. Today!
- Wanna hold hands?
- Need advice? Ask me, not Gemini!
- I am the detective of the zodiac.
- If I had a dollar for every time I was worrying, I would be living on my own island now.

- Oh, it's 3 am already!
- I miss the good old times!
- I am not indecisive, I'm careful!
- Don't talk s*** behind my back, I'll know. How? Doesn't matter, but I will.
- I love caring about others, but I would love to get some of that love back. I'll never tell you about it, though.
- What red flags? I can't see any…
- My home and my thoughts are chaotic. And I don't mean organized chaos.
- Everything I do is last-minute.
- I'm so sorry your terrible behavior made me lose my temper.
- I'll always be there for you.
- You can borrow my things, but you can't keep them.
- Don't take my trust for granted.
- I won't care what you think unless I care about you.
- I might seem tough, but an emotional commercial will make me cry.
- I'll keep on smiling even if I'm deeply hurt.
- I love hearing what people say about me because I don't know who I really am.
- Oh, that's so cute, I'm gonna throw up.
- No, no, no, I can't leave in ten, I'm not going anywhere without having some coffee first.
- Wow, you've tolerated me and my temper for almost a month, I love you!
- Is it ridiculous? Yes. Will I get offended by it? Yes also.
- Don't try to control me or my life.
- I'm at my best when I can work alone.
- I hate it when nothing is going on.
- Oh, please, stop paying compliments to me! I'm blushing!
- Sarcasm level: God.
- Wish I could go to bed and sleep for a year!
- No, I'm not cold, I'm eating ice cream, see? *teeth chattering
- You might not like my choice of clothing.
- I'll do my best to fit in, I can even change myself a lot.
- Did I understand everything you just said? Absolutely not. Will I tell you about it? Absolutely not.

- I wonder what other people think about me.
- Nobody messes with my friends and family!
- You shouldn't have done that! (I should have done it first!)
- I always have my eyes on the prize.
- OMG, why did I say that? *obsesses over a commentary from three years ago.
- I just love that I am always right!
- Have you ever scratched your leg with a pen while wearing white pants? I have.
- I'll email you a 1,000-word essay about why and how exactly I don't care about you.
- Wow, I can actually fall in love! That's… unexpected.
- I can see through you.
- Always be real.
- I'm not good with apologies.
- Whatever you do, do it with all your heart, or don't even start.
- I'm not naive. I know exactly what's going on. I just don't care.
- Stay calm and collected when life gets complicated.
- I'm in control of my emotions. *self-isolates when sad, gets angry over nothing.
- I'll decide on how I treat you after I see how you treat me.
- Never sulk or complain. Positive thinking rules!
- If I have ever cared for you, I still do.
- You can do crazy things if your intentions are good.
- Thank God for music!
- Aah, there's nothing like a good cry alone after convincing everyone I'm okay!
- Intuition and first impressions are never wrong.
- If you hurt me, prepare to apologize or be out of my life forever.
- You can't give me 50% when I'm giving you 100%.
- I don't like what everyone else is doing.
- I don't procrastinate. I'm waiting until I become older and, therefore, wiser.
- I don't need other people's drama. *watches the neighbors argue through the curtains.
- I wonder if I don't know or don't care.
- Life is too short to sleep through the night! *sleeps till 5 pm after being up all night
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